My first AMD

I just opened one of the front 5,25" slots and the CPU fan speed reduced by 400 rpm. This is one more proof that the case need some fan in the front side as you said ;)

With better cooling maybe I can get one of the new AXDA2400DUT3C processors (2.0Ghz TBred B with 1.6v vcore 8) )
Very good. Also some vibrations from the table to the HD will be gone too. The HD will be safer.

I received an HD cooler from a friend and I will try to test it this weekend.

Last night I tested the D3 E3 leak and it is great :)
My Nikon camera is working great (USB).
This AMD is really good and stable. My problem now is time to tweak it.
I just did a safe overclock. Now it is at 2GHz (15x133 vcore@1.6) just changing the multiplier and it is now like the AXDA2400DUT3C :)
Almost no change in temperature and games are smother.
Really liked this Athlon 8)

New coolers will come next month.
I am still concerned with the HD. The HD cooler test was a fiasco.

I will have to build/make something myself.