MY AC is borked.

Remove clothing, utilize water spritzer. :D

Hey I thought the really bad Freon had been replaced by a friendlier Freon during the '90s. It's just a trademarked name of refrigerants.

I was watching some Computer Chronicles vids months ago and this laser printer episode has a rep spraying Freon to show the laser. ;) (19 mins in). The good old days!!
Trying to cook up a radio commercial-like jingle around the concept of "Freddy the Friendly Freon! 'Coz he's so nice and friendly!"

...But I'm not succeeding very well. Lol, maybe there's some universal constant that limits just how corny you're allowed to get?
A high temperature (and high humidity) increases the workload on your body. So, when you sit behind the computer all day while it's hot, it's almost like you have an active job which requires walking around all day.

Much more healthy!