Most depressing day of the year

I am having a great day I got call to jury duty so I didn't go to work. When I called the office the was a power failure and the as/400 came down hard because they were not able to shut it down before the UPS went dead. This is also the busiest day of the year for my company. While all hell was breaking loose I was siting in a chair watching a movie. Now tomorrow might be different I have to be in to work at 7:00 A.M.
I'm a little depressed, I guess.

I'm trying to stop thinking about this woman I've been blunderingly trying to date. I already made a mistake or two, well, maybe.. maybe not. We've communicated mostly by e-mail (no phone yet) and I see her only once/twice a week.

I send an e-mail, it usually takes her about 3 days to reply and I think I have killed my chances with the last one. Heh.

It's been killing me, because I want to sort of right my wrongs with her in person now. :) Gotta wait until Thursday, though!

The situation has hurt my leisure time today. I started losing focus in Mario Power Tennis today because she popped into my head and then I realized how stupid it was to send her what I sent. Ehhhh.. that's life. I can't even finish this book I'm reading.

Every female character reminds me of her. Damnit. :)
Johnny Watson said:
Sage said:
I think I may just be capable of actually ASKING SOMEONE OUT now! :oops: :D

Friendly word of advice: keep the herpes thing to yourself while courting ;)

heheh yeah I kinda already have that one figured out... although I did (sorta... i knew it was incurable but not specifically what... and I knew I wasnt using protection :p) know what I was getting myself into when I got it so there must be some other desperate losers out there that would do it regardless :p

and, Blade, I'm sure we'd all be very interested to know what precisely you sent to her? Don't be shy, around here it's okay to talk about everything- even graphic details about how exactly we masturbate.
digitalwanderer said:
mito said:
What did they predict for tomorrow?
Light depression and introspection, with a bit of snow expected in the afternoon...
That reminds me of a Leunig cartoon.
Sage said:
other than being sick with fever over 100, headache, sinuses, coughing, lots of gas, and realizing that I do indeed without question have herpes (in all places you can get it except the eyes :-|) I've actually had a pretty good day.

Last night I realized that if there are more women than men on the planet it means that all women DONT have a choice of dozens of guys better than me and that they should actually be happy that I'm interested, rather than put off like I used to assume. This completely changes my outlook on dating and the opposite gender. I think I may just be capable of actually ASKING SOMEONE OUT now! :oops: :D

Acic pills should help you get rid of herpes in no time. Does wonders. I hope it's not genital, though - that one's much harder to kill.

About women: you got to bear in mind that at least 70-80% are (just like men) neither beautiful nor interesting, so that lowers the statistics... ;) However, you started thinking the right way.
_xxx_ said:
Acic pills should help you get rid of herpes in no time. Does wonders. I hope it's not genital, though - that one's much harder to kill.

well, I don't want it on my record. Also, there is no cure for herpes. There are medications that can reduce or even eliminate outbreaks in many people. But, it'll always be there. Also, as I said, I have it everywhere you can get it except the eyes (but only place I've ever had any noticeable outbreak is my mouth... BUT I know for a fact that I didn't originally contract it in the mouth so apparently it was recently "shedding" in the place i originally contracted it and I then somehow accidentally got it in my mouth... probably by biting my fingernails or something)

About women: you got to bear in mind that at least 70-80% are (just like men) neither beautiful nor interesting, so that lowers the statistics... ;) However, you started thinking the right way.

no, I think you're wrong. I'd say 70-80% of women ARE beautiful and/or interesting.
It doesn't cure it, but it kills the outbrake in no time. It's the best medicine for herpes there is. My mother had the same problem a few months ago. She took Acic (comes from "Acyclovir", the agent) a couple of days and she was "clean". It may always return, but you can as well always take a couple of pills and it's all fine...

I just wanted to help, so you may either try it or not - your problem ;)

Here's the link (in German, Babelfish is your friend):
ahh i see. thanks, that could be most useful to know. I hope it's not prescription although it probably is... if it's prescription then it will end up on my medical record.