Watching a new trailer for it today on and man oh man it's definitely set to give me my creepy FPS fix after my several dozen hours with STALKER and of course with FEAR and it's expansion Extraction Point from a while ago. On note of the light of this sequel I was just taking notice to the visuals, as they don't seem to be much of the way of updated this time around except with higher polygon counts and better textures, but other than that the Jupiter EX engine they use doesn't seem to have any new features or what not. Don't get me wrong it looks great and all and it's got me in a tizzy waiting for it (I LOVED F.E.A.R.), however it got me thinking about how Project Origin is a multiplatform game and all, with the lack of major visual increasing from FEAR. It's got me a bit worried, now with consoles in such a dominant position will our multiplatform games now be heavily limited development wise by consoles lacking the power of high end PCs? I think that this will be especially prevalent now games with high budgets have to go multiplatform this generation and the PC versions of course won't get proper treatment except better resolution and AA options. I'd love to see Project Origin get some real extra settings like higher textures, better polygon models and maybe ambient lighting as an option Whatever, I'm just a bit worried now that the playing field isn't level between the platforms anymore. And no I'm not saying that PC gaming is dying, we know it won't nor even can't really, but I want to make sure developers leave us out in the dust with multiplatform games, especially ones that originally belonged on PC and are most proper on PC.