MIT OpenCourseWare Gaming Programming + Graphics

This is nothing new. Most colleges have a lot of their information in public domain. Frankly, you could get away with a college education (to a point... labs and such) without actually going to school. A majority of course, especially CS based, host all their notes, homework, test, quizes, solutions, schedules, reading material, and so on online. Only recently have they started to require logins to get those basic information. A majority is still readily available to the public. Of course, there's more to college than just that... though the way some... a lot... of classes are structured you could argue differently... their's labs and discussions and aid from those that understand like professors/TAs.
Lysander said:
cool stuff, good post; lectures lack in definitions, which is bad

A lot of course notes you'll find for classes like that are meant to be talking points or suplemental, and don't really give you all the information you should be getting if you went to the class. I like to read course outlines to find out what text books different courses are using. I usually find that's better than just getting my hands on the course notes.