mum;" how do i search for things ?"
me:" just goto google or sometihng to search"
mum" goo what now?"
me:" its a website ,type google"
mum" oh dear why is it so difficult , why can't it be built in like that find thing"
.. okay so even my mum knows about google,,, but it is kinda the same , m$ want to give the user a good experience , if the search engine is part of that , why shouldnt they stick it in the os :-/.
w.r.t. stereos,, well no , most cars have nonstandard fasica nowadays to discourage theft.. so you need a non-standard to standard fascia converter , the new stereo and a non-standard to standard plug converter.. . . . . it's a p-i-t-a , some scrote swiped my cd-autochanger ( ford standard) , and getting a 'stock' one to just "plug in" is proving annoying
