Microsoft To Ready "Ipod Killer" for 2H '04

Look like two completely different markets to me. These devices are designed for watching videos rather than listening to music. If all you want to do is play MP3s then iPods (or any other similar device) wins hands down. People value size and weight very highly when it comes to portable devices - hence the fact there's a market for iPods minis (with a fraction of the storage of it's bigger brother) and solid-state players.

Where did the "iPod killer" quote come from? Media bull?
In all fairness, there's probably only a 100-150 Euro difference in price between the two larger models, and while the Microsoft version is larger, it also plays videos, which a significant addition and shouldn't be downplayed.
But where do most people listen to portable music/MP3 players? Walking to work, cycling, commuting and so forth.

I can't see that it is really feasible to watch such a portable video device on any of these occasions. It seems to me that this bulkier and more expensive 'video I-pod' is a device without a clear market! :?
I think the PSP is a much smarter idea ... as long as you can find a way to keep the interface from growing the design much larger then combining a portable console and movie player adds a lot of value for very little extra cost (the display and the storage determine the cost). Of course Sony's publishing arm makes it very hard for them to get in on this market ... since any movie player without home recording capability will be DOA (I dont buy Sony's PR). It is a pity that for some reason or other Microsoft doesnt want to get into mobile gaming.

Which leaves Nintendo, but their hardware is too pitifull at the moment to do video playback justice :(

If it looks anything like the Zen Jukebox, Gateway player, or Dell player, they won't have a sale from me. Those players look like utter shit. The whole selling point of the Ipod is its thin elegance and large capacities. The other three I named are just plain fugly.

Hopefully MS can pull it off and provide some competition to drive prices down, but they're usually the 2.0 or 3.0 company in hardware and software terms. So we'll see. :)