Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 [XBSX|S, PC, XGP]

Fuck I so much want to see the work I ve done imported into this and see how it looks in game. They are still working on the textures and animations. I m losing patience
I became a pc gamer because of flight simulation and bought every version of ms flight sim the last one I bought was 2004. I stopped buying them because I realised I was doing the exact same thing in every version,
I would take off from my local airport fly over my city and try and find my house. Then I would download the fastest plane I could usually the Lockheed SR71a or the XB70 Valkyrie see how fast I could fly at low level and then see how close I could get to space.
I always wondered why would you choose a civilian sim over a military sim, in a military sim you get to do what you do in a civilian sim, takeoff navigate and land but you also get the added bonus of flying a better performing plane, weapons delivery systems and combat.
I became a pc gamer because of flight simulation and bought every version of ms flight sim the last one I bought was 2004. I stopped buying them because I realised I was doing the exact same thing in every version,
I would take off from my local airport fly over my city and try and find my house. Then I would download the fastest plane I could usually the Lockheed SR71a or the XB70 Valkyrie see how fast I could fly at low level and then see how close I could get to space.
I always wondered why would you choose a civilian sim over a military sim, in a military sim you get to do what you do in a civilian sim, takeoff navigate and land but you also get the added bonus of flying a better performing plane, weapons delivery systems and combat.
Same reason people like something Euro Truck Sim - they are after that more peaceful experience, quite likely listening to some music or a podcast once they're up in the air, and just appreciating the joy of flight and appreciation for the planes and simulation.

That said, MS2024 seems very specifically aimed at people like you who want more, offering all kinds of more goal-orientated and high performance experiences and variety and all that.

But yes, there's a reason that military flight sims tend to be more popular among actual sim enthusiasts.