Michael Jackson Pleads Not-Guilty.


Michael Jackson pleads not-guilty to all charges today:

MSNBC said:
With a quiet nod to the judge, Michael Jackson pleaded not guilty Friday to charges of child molestation and conspiracy involving child abduction and extortion.

The grand jury indictment, read in court just before the plea, also alleged lewd acts and attempted lewd acts involving a child, as well as administering an intoxicating agent to a child. The acts allegedly happened between Feb. 1 and March 31, 2003.
In Europe the "intoxicating substance" charge would be dropped - or rather, it wouldn't be a problem -
If a child is under your own supervision then it'd be ok to give them a drink in your own home. Either that, or 40 million French kids would be up for trial lol
Still think MJ is a Pervert though....
KBeee said:
In Europe the "intoxicating substance" charge would be dropped - or rather, it wouldn't be a problem -
If a child is under your own supervision then it'd be ok to give them a drink in your own home. Either that, or 40 million French kids would be up for trial lol
yeah but remember that america was founded by puritans...
digitalwanderer said:
He might be a perv, but at least he puts his nose on when he goes to court. :)
That's ignorant... you're being ignorant..! :p

MJ should at the very least be in pysch counselling for a decade or two (guilty or not, he has major issues and needs professional help, in my opinion). I doubt they could lock him in prison, anyway. I have this image of him morphing through prison bars á la the T-1000 :|.
digitalwanderer said:
thop said:
When will they finally leave that poor guy alone?
When he's no longer a danger to others.

Danger to whom? The parents that send/allow their kids to stay a night with M. Jackson and most likely do this to get some money out of him? :rolleyes:

If anything, the parents should be charged as well for acting irresponsible towards their kids.

digitalwanderer said:
That is for the legal system to decide now. 8)

Even if the 'legal system' decides he's innocent, I have my doubts that will keep off parents sending kids to his home and/or charging him with further allegations on child molestation. Sad but true.
Phil said:
Danger to whom? The parents that send/allow their kids to stay a night with M. Jackson and most likely do this to get some money out of him? :rolleyes:

If anything, the parents should be charged as well for acting irresponsible towards their kids.
No argument from me there, I think the parents are just as culpable as MJ!

I'm a parent of a 6 year old boy and 4 year old girl and I happen to think the majority of parents on the planet kind of suck. (Sorry to say that, but I feel it's true. :( )
Oh my god DW is a daddy!! And i thought u were some 18 year old geek... Wow our village idiot has kids!

Anyway, MJ needs serious help, paedophilia or not, and i'm AMAZED how no one has ever done anything about it. His mental state is straight out of a psychiatry book. Doesn't get more obvious than that. Oh wait, yes it does, it's called Bush.

(Sorry, couldn't resist)
They should open up Alcatraz for celebreties again, and people could go there to watch, plus the state would make money.

Imagine Michael Jackson and Mike Tyson in the cell together :oops:

we need a South Park episode on that one :p
london-boy said:
Oh my god DW is a daddy!!
You didn't? Yeah I have kids, but I'm not just a Dad. I'm a full-time, stay-at-home Dad doing the Mom-thing and I have been for about 5 years now. My wife works, I stay home and deal with the house and kids.

I post to keep some small scrap of self-identity and to keep meself just a tiny bit sane. ;)

As for MJ...I'm not worried about SP yet, I just want the innuendos and rumors to start up! :)
digitalwanderer said:
london-boy said:
Oh my god DW is a daddy!!
You didn't? Yeah I have kids, but I'm not just a Dad. I'm a full-time, stay-at-home Dad doing the Mom-thing and I have been for about 5 years now. My wife works, I stay home and deal with the house and kids.

I post to keep some small scrap of self-identity and to keep meself just a tiny bit sane. ;)

As for MJ...I'm not worried about SP yet, I just want the innuendos and rumors to start up! :)

Is innuendo your word-of-the-week by any chance? ;)
london-boy said:
Druga Runda said:
Imagine Michael Jackson and Mike Tyson in the cell together :oops:


/bad BAD images in my mind of MJ being torn apart.....

*don't eat my ear again you naughty boy*

