Metal Gear Solid 3: E3 2K4 Video


Artist formely known as Vysez
I've put the link for those videos in the E3 threads while i was downloading them, thinking they were nothing special... I was wrong.

The cinematic feel of MGS is transcended with this "trailer", the animations are better then ever.

The hunt/food system is really cool, fun to see Snake vomiting his "crocodile aux champignons (mushroom) accomodé avec une sauce au miel(honey)".
Yes. these video should feed a thread.
Very impressive stuff indeed.
Konami brought such immersiveness and life
into that jungle its makes farcry feels "plasticland" comparatively.
_phil_ said:
Very impressive stuff indeed.
Konami brought such immersiveness and life
into that jungle its makes farcry feels "plasticland" comparatively.

One of the most impressive thing was that cloud of grasshoppers (or something else) on a bridge. :oops:
The flamethrower is also something worth to see.
Amazing!!! I was able to download the movies yesterday. Wow, I Kojima never fails to impress. Art-direction and just *everything* is so superbly done.


Sorry, can't help you out. Had to go through the small versions as I am not an insider.
Thanks Eagle-Vision.

Since there's a lot of "Ign non-insiders" 'round here (including myself :D ) thoses link will be useful.

I'm also waiting the High Rez video from Konami (it's suppose to be available soon).
Thanks Eagle!

Luv that media server IGN has btw, I snagged the metroid movies yesterday 2 at a time at 500+ k/s each. :D Today I have bittorrent going too so it's a little slower, but almost 300k/s each isn't bad either.
Evil_Cloud said:
I hate it when there is no other substitute then IGN...

I boicotted them when they turned all "insider-pay-me-if-u-wanna-click-here"..... Bastards. We're all gamers, we are all a family, we should get the new videos and secret details for free!! and get free games too!! Oh and a free PSP when the thing comes out cause there is no way i'm paying for it... ;)
london-boy said:
Evil_Cloud said:
I hate it when there is no other substitute then IGN...

I boicotted them when they turned all "insider-pay-me-if-u-wanna-click-here"..... Bastards. We're all gamers, we are all a family, we should get the new videos and secret details for free!! and get free games too!! Oh and a free PSP when the thing comes out cause there is no way i'm paying for it... ;)

I simply don't watch them, I haven't watched a single direct feed trailer for the whole E3. I had only watched a shaky recorded DOA Ultimate video and that's all.

I will wait for end of the month to watch my own Famitsu Wave DVD.
maskrider said:
london-boy said:
Evil_Cloud said:
I hate it when there is no other substitute then IGN...

I boicotted them when they turned all "insider-pay-me-if-u-wanna-click-here"..... Bastards. We're all gamers, we are all a family, we should get the new videos and secret details for free!! and get free games too!! Oh and a free PSP when the thing comes out cause there is no way i'm paying for it... ;)

I simply don't watch them, I haven't watched a single direct feed trailer for the whole E3. I had only watched a shaky recorded DOA Ultimate video and that's all.

I will wait for end of the month to watch my own Famitsu Wave DVD.

THAT's what i forgot to tell my boyfriend to buy when he was in Tokyo!!!! S**t!!! I knew i forgot something!
Link to Gamesradar

E3 2004: MGS3 code stolen from Sony's E3 show floor stand

LA Convention Centre security staff were left flat-footed and red-faced yesterday as two unknown perps had it away with a copy of the MGS3: Snake Eater demo code. The one level demo, on display at Sony and Konami's stands is almost certainly being duplicated as we speak. Will you see MGS3 first at you local car boot sale?

The LAPD are investigating the incident and are looking for two 19-20 year old males. The code snatchers were able to gain access to the PS2 demoing Snake's hotly anticipated jungle rumble by cracking the perspex case on one of the pods on the Sony stand.

According to eyewitness reports they achieved this by leaning heavily on the unit before simply ejecting the disc and doing a runner from the convention centre - possibly not how Snake would have done it, but apparently effective.


That's what happens when you play too much stealth games. :D
Bohdy said:
You can d/l it with Flashget and here is the url to use: mms://

:D Maan I've been using Flashget for years, I OWN a copy of the software, and up until now I had no clue it can handle mms://... thanks!
GHost said:
Bohdy said:
You can d/l it with Flashget and here is the url to use: mms://

:D Maan I've been using Flashget for years, I OWN a copy of the software, and up until now I had no clue it can handle mms://... thanks!

Its actually a recent addition, it couldn't in previous versions. Just one more reason why its by far the best d/l manager around 8)