4.1. LOD Cluster Selection Given a DAG2 hierarchy of clusters (Sec. 3.3) a subset of clusters needs to be selected which will be decompressed and converted into a QBVH6 (Sec. 4.2). We therefore traverse the DAG2 in a top-down manner, starting at the root clusters, which represent the coarsest LOD. Each node gets to decide whether its LOD is sufficient based on the compressed AABB stored in the cluster header. Anode and its neighbor arising from the same split (if any) always store the same AABB and thus they make the same LOD decision. If the LOD is sufficient, the cluster is selected for inclusion in the BVH. Otherwise, all of its children will be tested subsequently. In Appendix A, we prove that such a top-down traversal is guaranteed to give a complete and crack-free mesh.
The heuristic that determines whether a cluster has a sufficient LOD differentiates between clusters inside and outside the view frustum. For the sake of secondary rays, clusters completely outside the view frustum are not discarded. However, they use a coarser LOD, solely based on the distance to the viewer. For clusters inside the view frustum, the cluster’s compressed AABB (stored in the cluster header) is projected onto the image plane. Then the length of the diagonal of the projection of the 2D AABB is computed. The DAG2 top-down traversal stops if the diagonal length is smaller than a threshold, in our case 24 pixels. Note that LOD selection happens once per frame, not per ray, so these heuristics apply equally to all primary and secondary rays.