Med school is difficult.

Just in case anyone was dying to know and didn't already. :) Seriously, people can try to tell you how hard the exams can be, but ya' just gotta go through it first hand. The ironic thing is that in a way it really isn't that difficult... still plenty of time for family, friends, and fun... just forces you to be more "focused" than ever before.

Still... our exams yesterday and today, covering 5 weeks of information... crazy. I couldn't begin to convey the amount of information. Well, maybe... all the bones, osteologic features, muscles, origins, insertions, actions, arterial and venous supply, innervation, spatial relationships, anatomic population variations, tendons, ligaments, and some more detailed knowledge of arterial and nervous branching. That was the short anatomy practical. The more difficult exam was all the pathology, histology, physiology, biochemistry, immunology, and clinical sociolagy associated with those anatomical structures. Sheesh. 5 weeks.
Doesnt suprise me, every medical student I have ever met has been amazingly smart with memory capacities that astounded me.
Good luck and kick arse!
Well, when you work in that field (eventually), you're supposed to go "through" it at first hand...else a lot of patients won't give you the chance for a second hand.
I was in mechanical engineering - government DoD stuff mostly. Still do that on the side to keep the educational and living expense loans as low as possible. Want to know how "low" that is? Scary. Doctors have to be paid well just to get educational loans paid of in ten years.