Maybe this is a good sign RE: Israel-Palestine Peace Process



Israeli hardliners and Palestinian hardliners are opposed to the peace plan created by moderates on both sides that Colin Powell has endorsed. But the public is warming up to the ideas presented in this plan.

Maybe, just maybe, the trick to this is to alienate the hardliners on both sides and appeal to the masses. :)
With these and other plans maybe the lack of honest intent in the roadmap without a destination will be exposed ... lets hope the parties on either side will be forced to put their cards on the table.

Will Arafat and his cronies give up the right of return? Will Sharon split his country down it's religious seams (the fatwah type condemnation of the Israelis backing the initiative was telling) and deny those who wish to claim the full biblical territory including the Temple mound for the Jews? (Simularely will the US presidency offend it's Jewish voters by actively working against those goals.)