Market share 2007

Considering that NV has had big supply problems as market is growing I wouldn't be surprised to see if ATI got back part of the market.

Also 30% of DX10 share is actually worse than their 19.5% of total market share in Q3. When we don't consider Intel in Q3 then NV had around 2/3 market and ATI 1/3.
Whoops, that 1/3 was in Q2. In Q3 it is roughly 3/4 vs 1/4 and there 30% would indeed be an increase.
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What supply issues has Nvidia had besides with the 8800GT? I don't recall any lower level hardware having supply issues.
Supply issues with 8800 GT and 3870 are key for this quarter as they were the volume sellers with performance at a mainstream price. A supply constraint in these lines would hit each company fairly hard if the other company were to be able to maintain supply.

ATI got a bit of a leg up on Nvidia however with good supply of 3850's. So they were continuing to sell cards even when supply of 3870's and 8800 GT's started to dry up.

Whether that will be a big factor we won't know until we have 4th quarter mercury numbers to look at.

4th quarter JPR GPU market numbers are up:

- Global shipments grew 17.08% (106.37 million units overall).
- Nvidia grew shipments by 42.3%.
- Intel grew shipments by 40.2%.
- AMD grew shipments by 26.2%.

On the share front:

- Intel: 41.1% (up 3.7% from same quarter last year).
- Nvidia: 31.8%. (up 3.4% from same quarter last year).
- AMD: 22.8% (down 0.2% from same quarter last year).


- Intel: 37.7%.
- Nvidia: 37.1%.
- AMD: 19%.


- Intel: 47%.
- AMD: 29%.
- Nvidia: 22.8%.
Comparing Q3 2007 to Q4 2007:

ATI grew from 19.1% -> 22.8% (up 3,7%)
Nvidia lost from 33.9% -> 31.8% (down 2,1%)
Intel grew from 38.0 -> 41.1% (up 3,1%)

ATI grew from 17.5% -> 19% (up 1,5%)
Nvidia lost from 37.8% -> 37.1% (down 0,7%)
Intel grew from 33.5 -> 37.7% (up 2,2%)

ATI grew from 23.4% -> 29% (up 6,4%)
Nvidia equal from 22.8% -> 22.8% (equal)
Intel lost from 50.9% -> 47% (down 3,9%)

- ATI grew in every segments market share with strong mobile in Q4 compared to Q3 driven by HD 3800 series in desktop and a good mobile sector.

- Nvidia lost in overall and desktop (8800GT shortages). Mobile stay flat.

- Intel again king of the hill in every segments with good climb in desktop, but lost market in mobile to ATI.

For Q1 2008 Intel should have a strong quarter again.
AMD have a very strong lineup for this quarter (HD 3800X2, 3800,3600,3400) with mobile HD 3600 and 3400, RS780 all selling by now (RS780 only in china).
Nvidia delays in 9800gx2, 9600GT, 9500GT and 750a can hurt then a lot this quarter.

I whoul say globaly Nvidia fall to sub < 30% market share, ATI go to 24-27% market share and Intel remain flat but king of the hill in desktop and mobile.
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What DX10 market are you guys talking about? Those 3 DX10 games being played by a handful of people in DX10 mode?
The dynamics for this quarter are actually the most complex I've seen in a LONG time, and if some of these trends hold up in Q1 then this is very interesting. Now, what I really want to see for this quarter is the double-attach rate.

I'll probably comment more on this once I've tried snapping up a couple of extra facts...
Weird thing is I still dont think AMD has a very good desktop lineup.

3850/70 may be a slight improvement on their previous dismal offerins, but there's still no reason to choose one over an 8800GT imo. Especially since 8800GT just hovers at 30FPS playability in Crysis, meaning AMD offers an unplayable 24 framerate in the game.

I still dont see a single catagory where Nvidia isn't significantly faster for the same price.
Weird thing is I still dont think AMD has a very good desktop lineup.

3850/70 may be a slight improvement on their previous dismal offerins, but there's still no reason to choose one over an 8800GT imo.

How about budget? $250 may not be a lot to you, but it is to many others. $150-$200 segment sells a lot more video cards than the $250+ segment does, you can count on that.

Especially since 8800GT just hovers at 30FPS playability in Crysis, meaning AMD offers an unplayable 24 framerate in the game.

Last I checked WoW and COD4 were the most popular PC titles, with Crysis somewhere waaaaaaay behind (like millions of units behind). You don't need an 8800 GT to play either of those titles maxed out. Heck, a 256MB HD 3850 can pull that off.

I still dont see a single catagory where Nvidia isn't significantly faster for the same price.

How bout that $150 category? Best NV has there is the 8600 GTS, which falls miles short of the HD 3850 256MB.
Weird thing is I still dont think AMD has a very good desktop lineup.

3850/70 may be a slight improvement on their previous dismal offerins, but there's still no reason to choose one over an 8800GT imo. Especially since 8800GT just hovers at 30FPS playability in Crysis, meaning AMD offers an unplayable 24 framerate in the game.

I still dont see a single catagory where Nvidia isn't significantly faster for the same price.
Obviously it depends on the price (the 3870 is about 20% slower, so should be priced 20% less). The 3870 seems to be pretty competitively priced in European countries at, least, though.

As far as Crysis goes, the 3870 is perfectly playable at 1024*768, and neither card seems to be fully playable at 1280*1024 (according to Hardocps review, texture, physics, shaders and water quality can be on high, with the rest on medium - for the 8800 GT).
Obviously it depends on the price (the 3870 is about 20% slower, so should be priced 20% less). The 3870 seems to be pretty competitively priced in European countries at, least, though.

In Europe most HD3870's (as well as many HD3850 512MB) are still cheaper than almost any 8800 GT 512MB model available.

However, according to this, the 8800 GT 512MB is already reaching general price parity with ATI in other parts of the globe/e-tailing.
In Europe most HD3870's (as well as many HD3850 512MB) are still cheaper than almost any 8800 GT 512MB model available.

However, according to this, the 8800 GT 512MB is already reaching general price parity with ATI in other parts of the globe/e-tailing.

Are you sure about price-parity? Newegg's got a 3870 from Gigabyte for $210 (no rebate). I know one card doesn't make a rule, but there are others @ $235 and $250 as well.

The discrete graphics card market for high-end notebooks is expected to see a big turn around with Hewlett-Packard (HP) and Dell ready to adopt AMD's latest discrete graphics solution for their notebooks. This will increase AMD's market share to over 50% in the second quarter this year, according to sources at notebook vendors.

In 2007, AMD's proportion of the discrete notebook GPU market was less than 20%-30% due to vendor concerns that Intel's relationships would change following the acquisition of ATI, and so were unwilling to adopt Intel and ATI combinations for their notebooks. Additionally, uncertainty over the Radeon HD 2000 series also impacted vendor and consumer confidence.

However, in the second quarter this year, around 55-60% of vendors' high-end notebooks will adopt AMD's M82 and M86 discrete GPUs due to their advantages in low power consumption and cost over Nvidia's 9P, 9M and 9E notebook solutions, noted the sources.

Nvidia responded in saying that most major OEMs are still supporting Nvidia GPUs, but declined to comment on unannounced products nor the product planning of its partners.

AMD did not respond for comment by the time of publication

Goes inline with the previsions that i made.
Nvidia delays will hurt them a bit in desktop, but 55nm ATI chips for mobile are overkill and ATI will go up a lot thanks to it´s all lineup being 55nm.

8800GT is a good chip, but very expensive. ATI grew in dektop from Q3to Q4 -> 1,5% and Nvidia with the so claimed 8800GT and 8800GTS lost market share.

And HD 3850 continue it´s dominance in the most important price segment, and with the delay of 9600GT things again don´t look nothing good to Nvidia.

It´s very easy to notice thar 150-200$ market is way lot bigger then >250$ market.
Who runs Crysis is just a minory compared to Valve games (counter strike), WOW, and other massive titles that don´t require a big processing power.

AMD RS780 IGP chipset boosts entry-level CPU sales
AMD's recent launched RS780 IGP chipset is enjoying strong demand in the China market and has boosted the demand for the company's entry-level CPUs, according to channel vendors in China.

AMD's entry-level CPU market share in China was between 40% to 50% before the launch of RS780 motherboards. But since the launch, sales have jumped to 60%-70%, noted the sources.

The strong sales can be attributed to the RS780's multimedia capabilities. AMD's decision to include its UVD engine as part of the chipset allows systems to playback DVDs and even high-definition video without the need for a powerful CPU.
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Goes inline with the previsions that i made.
Nvidia delays will hurt them a bit in desktop, but 55nm ATI chips for mobile are overkill and ATI will go up a lot thanks to it´s all lineup being 55nm.

8800GT is a good chip, but very expensive. ATI grew in dektop from Q3to Q4 -> 1,5% and Nvidia with the so claimed 8800GT and 8800GTS lost market share.

And HD 3850 continue it´s dominance in the most important price segment, and with the delay of 9600GT things again don´t look nothing good to Nvidia.

It´s very easy to notice thar 150-200$ market is way lot bigger then >250$ market.
Who runs Crysis is just a minory compared to Valve games (counter strike), WOW, and other massive titles that don´t require a big processing power.

AMD RS780 IGP chipset boosts entry-level CPU sales

nv lost .7 % desktop market share, most of that if not all of that was from IGP not discrete, so AMD's gains came more from increasing marketshare in IGP .8% with a full quarter of HD3xxx products, doesn't spell they are selling well ;). Take a look at Valve's and You Gamer's survays and tell me who is buying what right now.
nv lost .7 % desktop market share, most of that if not all of that was from IGP not discrete, so AMD's gains came more from increasing marketshare in IGP .8% with a full quarter of HD3xxx products, doesn't spell they are selling well ;). Take a look at Valve's and You Gamer's survays and tell me who is buying what right now.

That´s not representative of the market, otherwise how Intel is the king of the Hill in desktop?
Also ATI go up 1.5% in desktop. You can split 50-50% to IPG and HD 3800. But in Q1 ATI start with HD 3600, HD 3400, HD 3800X2 and Nvidia start with delays.

Surveys are not more than that. Only surveys. Market define the rest...
For each 8800GT sold you have hundreds of low-end cards and IGP sold. Also market from 100-200$ is of an extreme importance, and 9600GT delay is a little problematic.
Where do you get IPG and HD3800 are 50/50 its more like 25/75 if not more, you answered the% in the first sentence how is Intel king of the hill in desktop? because that market is a higher % then discrete by a long shot.

hmm and where was the rumors of the shortage of 8800 gt's at launch ;), blowing alot of smoke really doesn't work, smoke clears, AMD won't make much of an impact from a 1 month delay well two week delay, OEM's, system builder contracts are already done or in the works, delays of short time like this won't effect marketshare greatly.