Market share 2007

I think Q3 Mercury number Dave cited refers to DX10 market share. Which, if correct, means that share losses in other segments have more than offset increases in DX10 share.
Mebbe the older ones, yeah...but I thought DX10.1 was the new standard and I know a few of those cards that are shipping. ;)
Is this thread meant to be trolling or just slipped into it? First, we get a market share report, fair enough. But then it has to include a dig at another member in a different thread misrepresenting what he said.

Next, we get the assertion that all AMD is selling these days is DX10 cards when anyone can easilly find differently at with < 30 seconds of effort (try "X1300" as an example search). This of course ignores the entire (notoriously cheap) far east market, not to mention IGP since they aren't currently selling DX10 IGPs yet (Well at least publicly. They might have sold some to OEMs that haven't showed up yet).

And ask yourself this, if Intel is 38% as shown in the Xbit list, how many of those are DX10? That's right, zero. Intel has never released DX10 drivers. So it's not just AMD's non-DX10 sales that are going to impact what percentage of the DX10 market that AMD has if one tries to use a total market set of numbers to back into DX10 share per vendor, as the OP is attempting. It's everybody's non-DX10 sales that impacts the numbers, and Intel's in particular in a major way.

Then we get an entirely OT quoting of stock prices of a parent company that has well publicized issues in its main business (i.e. not graphics) vs a graphics-oriented company as if it has some relevance to the topic of graphics market share. I would suggest to you if AMD's graphics market share was 15 points higher than whatever it is, the relationship of the stock prices wouldn't look a lot different than they do right now.

If someone would like to talk about graphics market share, that's cool. Can we leave the strawmen and ad hominems out of it at least?
This kinda flies in the face of Daves claim to 30%+ market share.
The report you linked to references total graphics marketshare, including IGP. The only IGP's that were shipping in this quarter were at a maximum of DX9, so even if you incorrectly believe that the only processors that are shipping these days are DX10 then you would be ignoring IGP as well.
Hard to say but I seriously doubt ATi has much over 30% of the DirectX 10 market at this point. Depending on a few things though it could climb as their 3850 and lower products are looking to be strong.
Using the x-bit numbers, knock Intel's 38% non-DX10 share out entirely and what do you get for total ATI share of what's left (which would include all DX10)? I get about 30% of total share of what's left. Again, that's rough as ATI is still selling non-DX10 too, but I don't see why anyone is looking at it as incredible.
I don't recall any site reporting that particular figure as they don't get the full report. However NVIDIA's Q2 '07 CC cited 75% marketshare for Q2 - unless there is someone else sneakily producing and selling DX10 graphics chips behind our backs then there's only one place that remaining 25% could have gone to. Although NVIDIA's quarters are a little skewed from calender quarters they do normally quote Mercury numbers, which are calender based, so that 25% was only HD 2900 shipments and the start of HD 2400 and HD 2600 shipments (which actually "launched" in July, outside the quarter).
BTW, I don't know how Yahoo calculates their market cap numbers, but they are off by a ton:

AMD: ~ $4.0 Billion
Nvidia: ~$19.3 Billion
BTW, I don't know how Yahoo calculates their market cap numbers, but they are off by a ton:

AMD: ~ $4.0 Billion
Nvidia: ~$19.3 Billion

To answer your first qustion, most of yahoo's statistics don't come from Yahoo them selves. They come from Capital IQ
HD 38x0 doesn't effect market share at all Sound_Card, AMD has lost more marketshare since their release at least for desktop discreet, they won no major OEM deals with those cards, unless Alienware is a major player, which they aren't.

And Dave IGP's AMD hasn't made a strong upswing in that market either.