Manor Lords [PC | XB]

It's a stunning effort for a solo developer. Fantastic UE4 advert as well.

I dont know how it really stacks up gameplay wise after my brief play on GP, but the UI and visuals are really polished.
Looks really really good. It's nice that we're seeing bigger Indie successes. AAA has become too stale and risk averse. Too much design by community that it's killing creativity.
glad to know it supports XeSS 1.3. I am not going to use ultra settings and even at ultra the performance of an Intel A770 seems to be punching above its weight.

The music of the main menu is goosebumps worthy.

edit: I've been tinkering with the settings menu but I don't see an option to enable XeSS at least on the pc gamepass version.
trailer of the game:

It’s really great to see actual “games” return to the scene instead of fomo inducing dopamine looped garbage that is being disguised as a video game or cinematic experiences that are very similar except the setting, story, graphics and art for the last decade.

Starting to remind me of the golden age of the 90s. Got hit with some nostalgia of Myth Fallen Lords for some reason.
It’s really great to see actual “games” return to the scene instead of fomo inducing dopamine looped garbage that is being disguised as a video game or cinematic experiences that are very similar except the setting, story, graphics and art for the last decade.

Starting to remind me of the golden age of the 90s. Got hit with some nostalgia of Myth Fallen Lords for some reason.

Talking of which, while different, they compare the game to Lords of the Realm 30 years later, in this article.

As noted in the other thread about Steam performance, we can't jump the gun. Will early upfront sales lead to long-term growth and income without FOMO stuff? Or will players lose interest if there isn't a constant influx of 'new content' and cross-overs? Manor Lords Spongebob Experience may be needed to keep players and income going in 18 months...

I think the safe take-away is that spending on new games gets you a novel experience, but it's then up to you to walk away and try something new - something the pubs don't want and try to manipulate people against. At any point you can go explore the Steam library and grab something different. I guess the complaint is 'different' has to be 'low quality' or at least 'limited in scope' as the big buck investments are in AAAA GaaS to maximise returns. Manor Lords stands out from the typical indie as a 7 year project. Full time? I don't know what the investment has been. But curiously now there's enough money to expand the team but will Styczeń want to? If he stays solo, rate of progress will be relatively slow. Will owners lose interest?
maybe the slow updated will help mods? so modder have easier time making their mods stays compatible. including spongebob pack mod mprobably
Does anyone know how to use XeSS upscaling on the gamepass version?

I can see the dll is saved to the below in the game directory:

But it's not available as an option in game. I'm finding FSR fairly sub par in this title and have heard XeSS is much better.
Does anyone know how to use XeSS upscaling on the gamepass version?

I can see the dll is saved to the below in the game directory:

But it's not available as an option in game. I'm finding FSR fairly sub par in this title and have heard XeSS is much better.
I asked the developer directly, 'cos I don't find the option either, as I commented the other day. We shall see if he responds.
It’s really great to see actual “games” return to the scene instead of fomo inducing dopamine looped garbage that is being disguised as a video game or cinematic experiences that are very similar except the setting, story, graphics and art for the last decade.

Starting to remind me of the golden age of the 90s. Got hit with some nostalgia of Myth Fallen Lords for some reason.
City builder strategy games have been some of the worst about nickel and diming people in recent times.

They are not at all above the plagues of modern industry practices.