man doesnt eat for 10 years


Man doesn't eat for 10 years and is in perfect health:

Prahlad Jani, a holy man, or fakir, who is over 70 years old, has just spent 10 days under constant observation in Sterling Hospital, in the western Indian city of Ahmedabad.

During that time, he did not consume anything and "neither did he pass urine or stool", according to the hospital's deputy superintendent, Dr Dinesh Desai.

Yet he is in fine mental and physical fettle, say doctors.

Most people can live without food for several weeks, with the body drawing on its fat and protein stores. But the average human can survive for only three to four days without water.

There is more at the link above.
That was my second thought Citan ;)

Even though I think David Blaine cheated in some way for his feat this guy seems genuine. And I wonder to myself where does he get his sustenance from? Plus the article does state Jani lost a bit of weight. Hmm puzzling.
Tahir said:
Plus the article does state Jani lost a bit of weight. Hmm puzzling.

But seriously, do you know how much weight we would lose in 10 days? Assuming we didn't die, that is. That is just astonishing. It'll be interesting to hear the doctors' full report on the man.
3-4 days is maybe an average of sorts... Ive seen people survive 2 weeks without any intake other than morphine...
errrrrrrmmmm somehow i dont think this is real... no food for 10 years is pretty much impossible. and what discredits the whole thing is the fact that even if one goes without eating, he still would pass urine, and "something" gooy comes out instead of real excrements. which is gross, yeah, but it's true. NO passing is impossible.
nutball said:
Simple. He's a liar.

Then the Dr's were in on it as well and lied about the fact that he did not pass urine or stool and that he only gargled water in the 10 days.
If he didn't pass any urine after 10 days, maybe the doctor would have considered throwing the guy on dialysis. Usually, the lack of urine production is a sign of kidney failure, or we've been treated to a real-life version of Weekend at Bernie's.

edit: Just saw the part about the reabsorption in the bladder. Don't know about that.

Not that weight loss is impossible, what with perspiration, but that's not a good way of removing waste.

However, I'm not to up on the effects of minimizing activity, so that maybe he was able to cut metabolic activity through fasting and remaining still enough so that 10 days is somewhat tenable.
This needs more investigative medical attention - it could be an elaborate fraud, and it would need to be.

The BBC does not have a habit for writing tabloid style outrageous stories either. It would be unfair to discount this mans claim on the basis that what he and the article claim to do is humanly and highly improbable, but perhaps in this particular Universe it is not actually impossible.

Me sits on fence ;)
didnt look at the article. but ive read other stories about him, where he claims to use sunlight and some special meditation to keep from eating.

epicstruggle said:
didnt look at the article. but ive read other stories about him, where he claims to use sunlight and some special meditation to keep from eating.


:rolleyes: yeah he feeds on sunlight... like Superman...... :LOL:

anyway, is it 10 DAYS or 10 YEARS???? people seem to be a bit confused...

10 DAYS could be feasible, although the lack of urine is worrying, as urine is passed whether one drinks or not.... 10 years is just plain impossible...
Going without passing urine is easy. Hook a tube from your bladder to the back of your throat and all the urine will go back into you. :LOL:
For those who were too lazy to read the article: the guy was under observation for 10 days, during which he did not eat or drink anything.
The doctors say urine was formed in his bladder but absorbed thorugh the bladder walls. He claims he's been living like that for decades.

Going without food for ten days is not that remarkable (hell, Lemmy from Mötorhead has been living off of whiskey and cigarettes since the mid 70s), going without water is.

He of course has some source of nourishment, but it is still clear that his metabolism is running very low.
