LoZ: Wind Waker HD [WU]


Invisible Member
Played it just a tiny bit tonight. I collected pigs, bought some stuff from the vendor, then set out from the initial island and that's it. Can't remember much from my initial playthrough, but the game undoubtedly looks much better now.

Still no antialiasing, and the framerate isn't exactly hot if I may say so, but it looks nice. It's got artistic qualities that goes far beyond its immediate impression of childishness. The game is bright and colorful initially, and the fairy forest becomes darker and (slightly) more sinister when you enter that area. As I recall, the pig fortress whatever it was called was much darker still, so I'm looking forward to seeing that in 1080P.

I never got very far into the game back in the day (got stuck in the 2nd or maybe 3rd dungeon or so and couldn't beat the boss), but maybe widescreen support and stuff will help now - who knows? :)

The pad is heavy to hold for any extended period of time, and the screen isn't really necessary in this game - it wasn't originally designed for it after all - so maybe I should use the pro pad instead, I'm not sure. The game uses the gyroscope for something however and I'm not sure what - bow/boomerang aiming perhaps? - and apparantly Ninty was too fking cheap to stick a gyro in the pro pad because there's no support for this feature unless one uses the pad. But as the game wasn't originally designed for it I'm probably not missing anything anyway.

Has anyone tested to see if framerate is smoother in lower rez? Maybe the game's hardcoded to run at this rate. I can't remember if the gamecube version ran at 60Hz, but I don't think it did.
Played the NGC one a little in late August, so I have fresh memory of how it looks, the HD version looks wayyy better.
I'm just a little disappointed it doesn't run 1080@60 though, but given the time they had to make it I'm not really suprised (under a year AFAIR.).

I'm not sure whether to buy it, given I still have the NGC version and a working NGC, I wish we could get it cheaper if we already had it on NGC ;p
I'm just a little disappointed it doesn't run 1080@60 though, but given the time they had to make it I'm not really suprised (under a year AFAIR.).
Since you played GC version, what was its framerate would you say - approximately...?