Lousy day at work today

Randell said:
I was always taught age/2 + 7 but it's near enough for me.

That's the old Arab rule-of-thumb :) It makes mine 26 too... too bad most 26 year-old women act more like they're 16 (emotional age).
John said:
ooh boo hoo look at me I have to work helpdesk today, my life is so miserable

i work helpdesk all day every day you ninny!

and this mid-life crisis thing... that would make mine... well... uhh... right at the age that my g/f (whomsoever she is) is probably going to be!
John Reynolds said:
I'm 40, smart ass. But while you're cracking age comments, you think you could beat me to the finish line of a 3-mile run?
Sure, I'll even let ya pick if I drive my Pathfinder or Z. 8)

Baron-I was teasing you young-un. ;) It's the jealously of youth in me, please don't take it too hard.
The Baron said:
And I'm all for a John Reynolds versus John Hayden steel-cage-deathmatch.
That would be interesting. He's got the reach, strength, and speed advantage; but I fight dirty and have no sense of restraint nor compulsions about "fair fighting" or "non-crippling injuries" and such.

I'm curious about John's training level. I ain't got nothing formal, but my father was an intensily insane marine who taught me how to kill/cripple a man 4-5 different ways to Sunday before I was 8....kind of made me nervous about fighting since I knew how easy it was to really break someone broken like. :?

But I'm game, I think my life insurance is up to date. 8)
digitalwanderer said:
Sure, I'll even let ya pick if I drive my Pathfinder or Z. 8)

Baron-I was teasing you young-un. ;) It's the jealously of youth in me, please don't take it too hard.

can i tease you over Z?
jealously in me.....;-)
/me is totally a baby. :(

it's topics like these, coincidentally, that make me wish B3D had an IRC channel, or at least an unofficial one.
The Baron said:
/me is totally a baby. :(

it's topics like these, coincidentally, that make me wish B3D had an IRC channel, or at least an unofficial one.

that would be really great.... as long as we cant discuss politics ;)
digitalwanderer said:
That would be interesting. He's got the reach, strength, and speed advantage; but I fight dirty and have no sense of restraint nor compulsions about "fair fighting" or "non-crippling injuries" and such.

I'm curious about John's training level. I ain't got nothing formal, but my father was an intensily insane marine who taught me how to kill/cripple a man 4-5 different ways to Sunday before I was 8....kind of made me nervous about fighting since I knew how easy it was to really break someone broken like. :?

But I'm game, I think my life insurance is up to date. 8)

Great, a geriatric deathmatch. I would blind Diggie with the contents of my coloscopy bag and then whop all over him.
Auto Overclocking! Magic! Ati Technical Superiority Proved! ATI! ATI!

John Reynolds said:
Heh, being called a ninny by Sage = priceless.
Hellbinder called me an idiot once. I win!

digitalwanderer said:
That would be interesting. He's got the reach, strength, and speed advantage; but I fight dirty and have no sense of restraint nor compulsions about "fair fighting" or "non-crippling injuries" and such.
You definitely have the sight advantage Digi, you can see obvious IQ differences between a GF6800 and a RadeonX800. That's a feat, man.

Old Eagle eye Digi: The Post Count of Madness VS. John "Waxed Head" Reynolds: The Man with a Photoshoped Face! Tonight on WWE!

The Baron said:
it's topics like these, coincidentally, that make me wish B3D had an IRC channel, or at least an unofficial one.
But there's already one... Oh, wait, you probably don't have access to it yet...

/Vysez make his B3D secret club member ring shine.
Vysez said:
Hellbinder called me an idiot once. I win!

Heh, Doomtrooper once accused me of being an NVIDIA ****** at Rage3D. You just can't top that.

You definitely have the sight advantage Digi, you can see obvious IQ differences between a GF6800 and a RadeonX800. That's a feat, man.

Old Eagle eye Digi: The Post Count of Madness VS. John "Waxed Head" Reynolds: The Man with a Photoshopped Face! Tonight on WWE!

Hmm, not very flattering description for me, though if my gay lover, Tim Murray, would bring one of those laser pens and reflect it off my forehead while sitting in the crowd and blind Diggie with it, my victory would be ensured.
Actually the topper was the guy at HardOCP who said that bit about "Who is this nobody Dave Baumann to be telling someone how to review a graphics card", or something to that effect.

The laser trick wouldn't work on me, I take my glasses off to fight and am blind as a wombat without 'em so it would just be disabling a disabled system.

Hmmm, how much you weighing now John? At 5' 9-3/4" I'm down to a svelt 235.
The Baron said:
it's topics like these, coincidentally, that make me wish B3D had an IRC channel, or at least an unofficial one.
I think we should schedule a real-time B3D chat someday, those are fun if not done too often. I always used to love the pre-chat times before the big online chat interviews, those were always the most fun parts.

People from all the different sites meeting and greeting was just too fun, I'd always get bored once the actual chat started and everyone was silenced....I always thought they should have a parrelel sideboard for comments on the main chat.
digitalwanderer said:
Hmmm, how much you weighing now John? At 5' 9-3/4" I'm down to a svelt 235.

I'm 5' 11.5" and weigh 205 these days. I've put 10 lbs back on in the last year, but I'm still working out 4-5x each week. Your goal would be to end the fight fast, since you'll definitely be the first out of wind (I average close to 2 hours on a cross country machine each week, plus weight lifting).

There's nothing "svelt" about your height and weight either. :devilish:
John Reynolds said:
There's nothing "svelt" about your height and weight either. :devilish:
Actually I meant it rather humorously, but there is some truth to it. I'm rather large boned to begin with and wear weight well, people never believe me to be over 200. (I come from solid mountain dwarf stock on my great-grandpappies side, it also explains my hair toes and knuckles.)

I was actually up to 245 but lost it down to 230 in a hurry with the "2 weeks of puking and shitting 'cause you're sick" diet, (effective, but NOT recomended), but the 5lbs I've put on since have been muscle and not flab as I've been actually making a commitment to be more active lately. (I'm not quite up to a work-out routine yet, but I will be once I get my living room done. 8) )

Yeah, I'd have to finish it fast to get a win. I'd probably put me betting money on you, but I can guarantee ya I'd make sure you knew you'd earned the win. ;)

Give me about 3 months of actual working out and I might change that opinion, all the construction I've been doing around the house has been getting me cocky....it's nice to have some strength again, y'know?
Today is my last day of work. I just got my last paycheck. I have two things to do before I go home and play the hell out of Fallout and Fallout 2 for the next three weeks. Plus reading, finding things for dorm room, etc.

Fuck Yeah.
Heh, the help desk lady called in sick today so I'm sitting here answering the phone and dealing with people who walk up to our counter.

"Hey, you're not Sara!" "No, I'm Sara 2.0, the new and improved version <g>!"
Well my my day ended like it went all day yesterday:

digitalwanderer over at EB said:
Ugh and ow.

So I just got finished putting all the new bits I had in Bubbles and took a quick shower and sat down for a well deserved sit down. Relaxed, leaned back, and SNAP!

Both arms snapped off my PC chair making absolutely nothing holding the back bit to the sit on bit, and I went flying backwards and down hard.

On the brightside I was fortunate enough to catch the edge of my wife's desk with the back of my head on the way down lessening the final impact, but it was kind of rough on my head.

My wife heard the snap/thud/slam, turned around to just see me lying on my back on the disconnected back of my computer chair with my legs on the sitting bit part that had rolled away in front of me and she just busted out laughing.

Then the puppy ER trio ran in to do some rather serious tongue anti-tramatizing treatment which didn't really work since I was just sitting there thinking to myself, "this can NOT have just happened, I don't HAVE days this bad!".

I can't wait until tomorrow, I'm thinking things are gonna seriously start looking up.
And on an even more delightful note my CPU/cooler is on a train stuck somewhere between Hodgkins, IL and Hammond, IN and no one seems to know why. :? There's still a 50/50 chance it'll make it to somewhere I can go and pick it up today though, but I'm NOT exactly gonna hold my breath. :(