Loosing. The. Ability. To. Write.

I concur. My handwriting wasn't that great to begin with but now it's really sad to say that my 5 year old little cousin's handwriting looks better. I always bring my laptop to most of my classes and type my notes instead of writing it coz I type a lot faster than I write. Not just that but I think my spelling ability got worse too :( Damn you spell checker!!! Damn you!!!!!!!!
Once the fountain pen was invented, the skill of chiseling words was lost as well. It's a natural progression in the evolution of communication. I don't think anyone could argue that it's better to hand write than it is to type. The only thing handwriting has left going for it is convenience, and that will disappear with technology soon enough (text messaging on cell phones is a large step in that direction).
You are too utilitarian. Fortunately, one doesn't handwrite out of mere convenience only, there are other impulses that an electronic device can't quite satisfy as much.
Diplo said:
Has anyone else noticed that because the electronic, typed word has become the predominant form of written communication that their ability to write manually (y'know, with one of those quaint "ink pen" devices) has been almost lost? The few times I have to write manually (which mostly involves nothing more than scribbling something abusive on a post-it note) I feel like a five year old. With a club fist. My brain seems to have lost the ability to communicate to my hand how to write in joined-up letters. Now, granted, my hand-writing was never the neatest, but now it resembles the dyslexic musings of a drunken monkey whose just swallowed a tub of ampehtamines.

Is it just me? Or are we evolving into a species of typists and texters, soon to have nothing more than two extended fingers and large, distended thumb? :???:

SO TRUE. i've noticed the same thing! when i write checks to pay bills, etc i feel the same way!

however i can type like a banshee. almost as fast as i can talk.
I always find that Tablet PC writing is quite different from just regular handwriting. I think it's the surface though.
My handwriting has always sucked, so no problem. In fact, I usually print instead when I absolutley have to, and that sucks too. Not quite "doctor bad", but bad.

I've had occassion to look at quite a lot of 19th century handwritten documents. A lot of them are pretty terrible too, but there are some absolutely gorgeous examples as well.
I agree. Not that my handwriting was ever noteworthy, but after the computer's introduction of a keyboard into my life, my handwriting has taken the "hyroglyphics" turn....

my hand writing was never good.
I actually used to bring a laptop the school gave me to school since using computers were so much easier for me.
I only write now when labeling cds/dvds and for taking notes/tests at school.
I can read most of it :smile:
I've been noted to have beautiful handwriting, though I hate writing. Its painful on the hands, and its to far to slow.

I also get annoyed by crusive. I think its the worst possible way to write. Far to many people think they can be an artist with it, which makes reading anothers writing a real pain. Plus I find many people simply forget what letters should look like and try adding print...... its either one or the other!

If I must write, its in print, no exceptions.