Loosing. The. Ability. To. Write.


Has anyone else noticed that because the electronic, typed word has become the predominant form of written communication that their ability to write manually (y'know, with one of those quaint "ink pen" devices) has been almost lost? The few times I have to write manually (which mostly involves nothing more than scribbling something abusive on a post-it note) I feel like a five year old. With a club fist. My brain seems to have lost the ability to communicate to my hand how to write in joined-up letters. Now, granted, my hand-writing was never the neatest, but now it resembles the dyslexic musings of a drunken monkey whose just swallowed a tub of ampehtamines.

Is it just me? Or are we evolving into a species of typists and texters, soon to have nothing more than two extended fingers and large, distended thumb? :???:
My handwriting is far worse than a doctor's handwriting.
I had to rewrite my work 3 times before the teacher could understand my arithmetic.
I have decent handwriting still, but I always make the effort (unless I'm scrambling to take notes of course).
"Loosing. The. Ability. To. Write."
Certainly losing the ability to spell! :p

... but I know what you mean. My handwriting through school was always poor but as soon as I had to try to take down notes during Uni lectures at stupidly high speed it all just became a form of indecipherable shorthand :(
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I find the same thing. On the other hand though, I find my spelling is better with pen to paper.
You're not the only one, Diplo.

I, too, feel like I have to "think and concentrate" on my writing. It's not as natural as it used to be. Also my handwritting now ressemble the one of a kid or something... I blame the Internets Computers! Curse them!

That said, I can write the verb to lose without making such a terrible typo. :p
nintenho said:
I think you write better if you try to read what you're writing when you write it.
Huh, yeah... Err, what?
The handwriting style I learned in elementary school (a kind of rather elaborate cursive) is something that I have lost a long time ago, replaced with a much simpler manuscript-like style (much faster to write and just as legible, but hardly pretty).

At work, I very frequently find that even with a modern computer in front of me, I still find pen & paper superior for rapidly producing semi-structured information, to assist problem-solving and/or explaining/discussing/developing ideas with co-workers. This appears to be the main use I have for handwriting these days.
Yeah, my handwriting was never good, but more recently it is pitiful. I've wound up writting a few things which I wouldn't want others to eveb try and read, specificly out of fear that in doing so they would come to the conclusion that I was illiterate and just trying pretend I wasn't. :oops:
My handwriting was never good, but at least it was useful back in the days. Now it's totally ruined. The only things I write by hand is my signature and fill in the customs forms when I travel. And because I tend to think much faster than I write, I tend to skip a letter here or there or end up writing a totally different letter at times, messing up everything.
My handwriting now consists of signing electronic pads to take delivery of something, or filling out a form a few times a year when travelling. Back in the days of signing for a card transaction in a shop, I used to get so embarassed at the thought of someone seeing my handwriting, I'd feck the signature up, which when it was supposed to match the back of the card I took my time signing properly never helped. Argh!

It's a lost art for the computer generation, definitely.
Humus said:
And because I tend to think much faster than I write, I tend to skip a letter here or there or end up writing a totally different letter at times, messing up everything.
Well, you'll either have to run your system off a single clock or introduce some synchronisation FIFOs between the various clock domains.
My handwriting was worse when I was still going to school (University). Nowadays, I write a lot less, but a lot better too.
Blitzkrieg said:
WTF? Aussies that can spell? Better do something about the XXXX on your beer cans since you can spell now.
If you're going to drag it to that level I suppose we would spell it as C O L D as opposed to W A R M... but, I can't comment.. I rarely drink the stuff myself.

It does remind me of a Uni assignment which was to design a circuit to mimic the flashing XXXX brewery sign, so it is useful ! :)
My writing is about as easy to read as back when I was in school some 15+ years ago (before the PC revolution), but my hand gets tired real easy now when I have to write any larger amount of text... :-?