Light switched chips appear


Can't wait for light switched GPUs that are thousands of times faster than GPUs today and generate very little heat.

A superfast computing processor that uses light, not electrons, to perform calculations has gone on sale for the first time. Lenslet, the Israeli company that developed the processor, say its light speed calculations deliver the power of a supercomputer in a single device.

The device is called Enlight and can perform 8000 billion arithmetic operations per second, about 1000 times faster than a standard processor. EnLight will be useful across a broad range of applications, from military projects to compressing high definition video images. Sariel acknowledges that Enlight "is not a general purpose processor like a Pentium". Instead, each processor will be custom-built to perform a specific set of tasks, and will not be programmable.

Lenslet would not put a precise price on how much an EnLight processor would cost, because each will be made to order. But a spokeswoman did say that it would be in the region of tens of thousands of dollars.

Piccys of the chip at guru3d