Life of leisure difficult?

Heard on the radio and possibly on tv recently that if you got super rich it's not so easy to lead the life of leisure. Here are two examples of why that is from the commentaries, sorry no link but it shouldn't be hard to find one about the subject on the web.

First if you bought a yacht you'd have to maintain it, maybe hire a crew, worry about the crew's efficiency and all their personal problems getting in the way of their jobs. Just like the pain of running a business. Even if the yacht was small enough for you to take care of alone or with your significant other it's still near a full time job of keeping up the equipment on it, planning your route, monitoring the weather and so on. It may not be so easy once you try it. If you're lucky enough to.

Another example is if you party at nightclubs collecting one night stands. That's cool until you meet up with them in a club again and they start hassling you for more attention/money. And if they don't take rejection very well they may try to set you up for something awful to happen to you. So you jet around the world to different clubs to solve that but it's hard to do the planning to line up all the hot spots you visit while avoiding past partners who would make trouble for you.

You could have a steady partner or get married but you have to deal with her or him being a prick to the point where you can't stand it any longer and then what do to about it, dump them or get a divorce. Same as being poor except really magnified by them going after your money, palimony lawsuits, gigantic child support payments and the like. So that's pretty much expected when taking on a spouse when you're rich and the spouse is not.

I thought of another one, when you just kick back on an island eating, hiking and sleeping. But that's alone buddy, and after two days or two weeks or so the temptation to get a girlfriend or boyfriend would be so great...then you'll have the problems mentioned above.

Also I wondered about gaming, pc, console or whatever electronic form. And, well that's a tough one. Meaning I can't come up with any reason why it would be difficult in any way if you're rich. So I guess you could forget about the above things and just be a full time gamer, (no dates but then no problems from having a girlfriend, boyfriend or spouse,) and besides you could have the dating urges satisfied online in chat anyway.
No, PC leisure life is pretty easy to pull off as long as you got a couple of good systems and a couple of good internet connections. :)
Ah the second system for the wife possibly. I thought about that, I'm not married, but it could work even without having a date. I mean technically if you're married you don't really date her anymore I think. You could have reunion dates with her sort of like taking the vows again in a replay of the marriage ceremony and things like that but they aren't real dates as if you were single. So it would fit in with my last paragraph, you would game full time but not get to date. But at least you'd have your wife for the second net connection.

Edit: ER SORRY the preceding sentence does not appear to be consistent with my last post where I implied marriage would be a problem if you were rich. Ok then have to hope the marriage will last with gaming and riches.
to #1:

It's much, much easier and better.

If the yacht starts annoying you, you sell it for even more money and do something else. Done. Happy thoughts...

If you're a man, you'll treat your women well and they'll never have such bad thoughts about you. IF they still do, you handle it like a gentleman and look at her like you never saw her before and let your bodyguard handle that with the staff for you and continue enjoying your evening. Happy thoughts...

You'll hopefully marry someone you love. Why should you marry a prick/bitch? If it comes later, than you get divorced, give her lots of money and move on to the next top model. Happy thoughts...

Why alone? I'd be there with a few bunnies and a bunch of people and make a really nice orgy going there. Happy thoughts...

I surely wouldn't be a gamer, there's so much more real, great stuff to do if you can do just ANYTHING you want. I can think of thousand better things to do anytime.

It's really all that easy when you're rich. I'd enjoy it, that's for sure...
GreenWristPad said:
Ah the second system for the wife possibly. I thought about that, I'm not married, but it could work even without having a date. I mean technically if you're married you don't really date her anymore I think. You could have reunion dates with her sort of like taking the vows again in a replay of the marriage ceremony and things like that but they aren't real dates as if you were single. So it would fit in with my last paragraph, you would game full time but not get to date. But at least you'd have your wife for the second net connection.
Actually I got four decent systems as I have two kids, and the DSL is shared by them and I get the cable all to meself.

I meant two for your own use, one for a downloading/web cruiser and a gamer....
mito said:
I'd be willing and glad to go through that difficulty...

yap, same here....
i would really hate ;) to have problems like picking the right crew for my yacht, then sailing around the world clubbing and getting hottest chicks on the yacht for some action....

ya, thats horrifying..... imagine you have to live like that.... pure horror...
But that's just the thing, you wouldn't have to have a yacht and a reasonably with a lot of money can be done too I'm pretty sure.
digitalwanderer said:
But that's just the thing, you wouldn't have to have a yacht and a reasonably with a lot of money can be done too I'm pretty sure.

i wouldnt have to have it.....but that doesnt mean i wouldnt buy it and go check clubs around the world ;)
i am 100% sure its better then current shit i am in..... :cry: