Let's see your November desktop


( Clickeble )

Humus, one week ago, my desktop was just like yours .. ;) Still have a lot of work to do on mine though ..

Paul, did you use Coolmon?
Paul, how'd you get those buttons on the side, and where do you find all those cool start buttons at? :p
Yay for Thunderbird!

It rules I know ;)

Paul, how'd you get those buttons on the side, and where do you find all those cool start buttons at?

The thing on the side is a side bar, I used a program called Smartbar XP.

I can actually remove some of the things on the side and add other things such as news from all types of websites, a calculator, little mp3 player, commnand line, slide show of all my pictures.

And WAY more, it's a very cool little program. It's an actual side bar, it's not transparent; but don't worry you can make it go to the side.


Great background! From digitalblasphemy.org, isn't it?

It is, I edited it to get rid of the digitalblastphemy.com thing out of the bottom right, here you go.


Paul, did you use Coolmon?

Smartbar XP, Coolmon I used a few times though.. bleh. Requires too much configuration manually.
Paul said:
Mr Happy, where did you get that wallpaper heh :) Me like.

It was part of a theme I downloaded from here. One word of warning about that site - don't click the link to start the download (unless you like gator or ezula), click the link to view the terms for the file instead, that will take you to the real download page.
zurich said:

Not very interesting, but I'm a freak about having a clean desktop.

I feel the same way. I try to keep things very neat on my desktop. Only the what I most need on the desktop. As things get less important they go into folders, and then out of the desktop.

Does having lots of things on the desktop slow windows?(or is it a computer myth)

Mr Happy said:
Paul said:
Mr Happy, where did you get that wallpaper heh :) Me like.

It was part of a theme I downloaded from here. One word of warning about that site - don't click the link to start the download (unless you like gator or ezula), click the link to view the terms for the file instead, that will take you to the real download page.

Now, it would be cool if the desktop could actually be a 3D layer and those fish were simming around in the background in realtime... 8)