Legolas comes fourth


The voters of finnish games magazine Pelit (=Games) have voted Legolas as the fourth best female game character. Mona Sax (Max Payne) won with 267 votes, SHODAN (System Shock) came second gaining 207 votes and Cate Archer (NOLF) was voted third (204).

Cate was robbed of victory (BOO!!!), but the real surprise is, that the elfmaid (according to Pelit) Legolas beat Lara Croft by quite a margin to finish fourth with 200 votes against the 167 Lara gathered.

Now, Pelit is typical games magazine with the average early teen male audience. So, obviously leet nerds (tm) prefer Legolas over generously proportioned Lara... :oops:

The linked page is in finnish, but there is a poll going on (at the left side) titled (translated) "Who would You have voted for?". And Legolas seems to be winning this time...!

Go ahead, make Your day and vote... You know you want to...
kyleb said:
it's a man, baby!


Sarcasm is a hard art to perfect... Hence the "(according to Pelit)".
But the listing is for real (see link).
/. ? Vote now, before our elfmaid falls prey to Lara.

edit: edited for clarity
ya Aivansama, i checked the link and the vote is for best female game character. i can't rightly see any humor in scarcastily voting a for male elf considering the fact that elfs are traditionaly affeminate. so there is nothing particularly funny to me about Legolas' disposition. however it does strike me as humorous that so many Swedish gamers would favor the character of Legolas in such a poll.
kyleb said:
ya Aivansama, i checked the link and the vote is for best female game character. i can't rightly see any humor in scarcastily voting a for male elf considering the fact that elfs are traditionaly affeminate. so there is nothing particularly funny to me about Legolas' disposition. however it does strike me as humorous that so many Swedish gamers would favor the character of Legolas in such a poll.

Surprisingly, being native finnish speaking person, I did know that the poll was for best female game character. Takes some balls to put Legolas up for vote in a poll like that (pun intentional). Sarcasm was reserved for those who point out that Legolas isn't really a much of a she... Apart from drop dead gorgeous looks, that is.
K.I.L.E.R said:
They're racist I tell you! RACIST! o_O :rolleyes: :devilish: :? :LOL:
Now, that isn't fair. Even technically undead females got some votes (SHODAN came second and the "pull up! pull up!"-voice from Falcon also got voted). So I think that Legolas's problems lay elsewhere...
kyleb said:
however it does strike me as humorous that so many Swedish gamers would favor the character of Legolas in such a poll.

What have Swedish gamers got to do with it?
Basic said:
kyleb said:
however it does strike me as humorous that so many Swedish gamers would favor the character of Legolas in such a poll.

What have Swedish gamers got to do with it?
True, we dont know for sure who really voted for legolas, but it is funny. ;)

Concidering that the site is in Finnish, I'm quite sure that those who voted for Legolas (and the other characters) are Finns, not Swedes :). Maybe some from the Baltics, since their language is similar to Finnish (at least Estonian).

The average Swede seem to know about seven words in Finnish:
Yksi, kaksi, kolme == one, two, three
Uutiset == news
Ei saa päitää == May not be covered

There's an amazing amount of Swedes that knows exactly those Finnish words, not a single one more or less. :D
Basic said:
Concidering that the site is in Finnish, I'm quite sure that those who voted for Legolas (and the other characters) are Finns, not Swedes :). Maybe some from the Baltics, since their language is similar to Finnish (at least Estonian).

The average Swede seem to know about seven words in Finnish:
Yksi, kaksi, kolme == one, two, three
Uutiset == news
Ei saa päitää == May not be covered

There's an amazing amount of Swedes that knows exactly those Finnish words, not a single one more or less. :D

So, how many swedes know the correct version of the last one:
Ei saa peittää?

BTW: the online poll has ended and the final result was that Legolas won with 29% of the online votes.

Next online poll was:
Do You understand sarcasm and/or irony?
A) Yes
B) Only irony
C) Only sarcasm
D) Neither
E) Legolas is a man!

It appears they got a ton of hatemail... :D
Why do Swedes know the words "Ei saa peittää!"??? :?

In the magazine poll, was Legolas already among the candidates offered by the mag, or was he (she?) the result of some weird mass-agitation.

If it was by the mag, I think it is a bit stupid to put such an option, because it is 100% sure that 'funny' option will win.
(edit: for proof, look at london-boy's polls ;) )
Aivansama said:
So, how many swedes know the correct version of the last one:
Ei saa peittää?

BTW: the online poll has ended and the final result was that Legolas won with 29% of the online votes.

Next online poll was:
Do You understand sarcasm and/or irony?
A) Yes
B) Only irony
C) Only sarcasm
D) Neither
E) Legolas is a man!

It appears they got a ton of hatemail... :D
Ooops. Too long since I've been near an electric heater, or sauna.
I don't know, but the average Swede is probably better at spelling those seven words than I am. :D

Electric radiators and other "hot stuff" here usually have a plate on them saying "May not be covered" in Swedish/Norwegian/Danish/Finnish. And for some strange reason that phrase has stuck to a lot of Swedes minds.
If you ask a Swede if they know any Finnish phrases, you'd likely here that one.
Basic said:
kyleb said:
however it does strike me as humorous that so many Swedish gamers would favor the character of Legolas in such a poll.

What have Swedish gamers got to do with it?

do, im sorry. i ment Finish gamers, please pardon me geting my Scandinavian nations confused. :oops:

but again, i think it is they that have issues with the concepts of sarcasim and irony as what they did is quite lacking in both areas.
Basic said:
The average Swede seem to know about seven words in Finnish:
Yksi, kaksi, kolme == one, two, three
Uutiset == news
Ei saa päitää == May not be covered

There's an amazing amount of Swedes that knows exactly those Finnish words, not a single one more or less. :D

LOL, so true. :D
I had an electric radiator with the "Ei saa päitää" written on it on my room for many years in my teens. Back then I knew these words, though my memory have gone a little fuzzy since then. :)