LCD response times



It says
JAPANESE newspaper the Nihon Kaizai Shimbun said that Mitsubishi has mastered a technology to improve the response speed of pixels on LCDs by 100 per cent or more.

Awesome eh? I have been wanting an LCD for awhile but I can see the ghosting on all of them and it annoys me so I am stuck with a 21" CRT till whenever theese come out I guess.
Sxotty said:

It says
JAPANESE newspaper the Nihon Kaizai Shimbun said that Mitsubishi has mastered a technology to improve the response speed of pixels on LCDs by 100 per cent or more.

Awesome eh? I have been wanting an LCD for awhile but I can see the ghosting on all of them and it annoys me so I am stuck with a 21" CRT till whenever theese come out I guess.

This is good news. Though we don't know when it will be available and of course how much it will cost.
There are several technologies that makes LCD faster. One technology is to "overshoot" the voltage and change it back before reaching the desired grey level. However, it requires a pretty good timing. Another is called OCB mode LCD, which is claimed to be able to reach single digit response time (some claims <3 ms), but it needs a very long "warm-up" time, about 40s ~ 90s in room temperature. Toshiba and Matsushita has developed a new method to reduce this time to less than one second. If all goes well, we may be able to see a OCB LCD TV this year.
The overshooting tech doesn't work as well as all that though. And lcd's with it have been out for quite awhile. When actually looking at their response times of 16ms they are not to wonderful. Especially considering that is not the worst case but simply the one they chose to use. The methods of determining response times need some clarification, b/c as of now I do not see what I would consider the same methodology for their determination appliead across differeing companies.