I don't such childish hyperbole against ATI on these boards. Among the so-called "pro-Nvidia" people, such as myself, Russ, even Chalnoth.
Actually, we see it all the time. It's just some people have selective memories. Either that or they dont find the context as noteworthy or memorable so psychologically they just block it out.
ATI had a big insider trading scandal and it was hardly a blip in these boards.
NVIDIA had equally if not larger scandals in the past few years and they also didn't exist as hardly a blip on these boards. Insider trading or CEO/CFO antics are real boring yawn material. They also generally find themselves in the different boards here like News or whatnot, not in 3D Tech & Hardware section.
Basically, if you can find any weakness or negative thing about NVidia or its products, it is blown way of out proportion.
The same goes for 3dfx, ATI, Matrox and 3DLabs. It's just selective recollection. The lions will always hone in on juicy tidbits and describe them in (likely) more than realistic terms. It's the "fanboi" that tries to build a case that this is somehow disproportionate for one IHV versus another.
We have 10-12 page thread against Quake/Quack, tons of Cg and Rendermonkey haters, "Matrox is the suck" posts and talks about every other IHV in a negative light, but obviously NVIDIA is the only IHV that gets unfair treatment? Open your eyes a bit and try reading with an open mind for a change.
Moreover, I'd say the negative overbounding posts are all positive and constructive. The more bad press an IHV gets for a mistake, oversight or underdelivery, the more likely they will make a strong mental note of it and possibly strike the occurence for any future repeat.
The only way people can truly judge bias is by looking at the defenses created to draw fire away from a controversy. If anything, there IS a pro NVIDIA bias on these boards as even physical dimensions are being argued. You can argue and debate featuresets, driver quirks, performance figures, IQ differences and things of this nature pretty fairly. But physical dimensions arent something you really can't explain away. Is the next argument going to be that the GFFX isn't very photogenic and somehow looks fatter in pictures than it does being held in your hand? For chrissakes, there are shots of it installed in a case now to put size into perspective.
What needs to happen is more logic and reasoning needs to be added to arguments, and simply allow those without either to simply bark at a brick wall. It's fun to play with the trolls and generates long sweeping threads, but none of that should be additive to some sort of motif of these forums. Some people cannot see the forrest through the trees and choose to ignore all facts, figures, test results, reproducible output, and whatnot. It's their choice and doesnt effect reality. Keep that in mind.