[KAT WALK]-New Omni-directional Treadmill for Virtual Reality Games

Our team, named KAT, have developed a set of VR locomotion input device which may solve part of the problems of natural walking and with low constraint.
The prototype in this video has been posted on June 8th at TechCrunch China,and now we start a Kickstarter Campaign!
We are a young team, we want to share with you our prototype solution and see what you guys think of it.

Glad if anyone can give us some advise or suggestion : )
Seemed quite good actually. Looking at it, I wonder how well it will work with someone who is 1.90m or up (may require unnaturally small steps?). Definitely interested in what the SDK will look like ...
That whole 'how you get walking in place to feel natural' thing has always been a bugbear for me when thinking about doing proper VR stuff.

Rollers in the soles of the shoes seems like a fairly limiting factor though.
Aside from the process of getting the rollers into the shoes, it seems like it'll be kinda a hassle to sit down, put on those particular shoes, shuffle over & onto this thing without falling over, then take them off after.

Does the movement command come from the thing round your waist (kinda a big joystick upside down) or is there a mouse-style rotation meter in the rollers? (which means some kind of wireless transmitter & battery in the shoes)