It's here , oh yes it is.....

Woe me, I couldn't afford it because I had to buy a new harddrive. :( My windows xp install died, and with no way to backup my files (drives were too full), only choice was to buy a completely new drive.

Btw, remind me to kick Bill Gates in the back of the head next time I see him for making the XP install program such a dumbass idiot child of an install program. First time I installed my new XP with the old harddrive set as slave. Of course the installer decided to make the NEW partitions I made on my NEW drive partitions F and G, instead of C and D, because of the old C and D partitions on the OLD drive... HELLLOOOO Redmond, anybody home?

Second time I installed without the old drive connected. Of course THEN the installer decided I wanted the installation to go on the G partition since there was a windows install on F already - WHICH I HAD FORMATTED AWAY - or so I believed anyway!

Third time I removed all partitions, made new ones, formatted and installed. Then it worked.

Of course THEN ATi's catalyst control panel slapped me with an error message when I tried to exit it... Jesus. On a completely CLEAN xp install with steaming hot SP2 and .net framework 1.1 patches applied and nothing else! :p Whadda buncha amateurs...

I haven't managed to bring myself to re-install a tenth of the stuff I had before - yet. I'll get around to it eventually.
I'm gonna get it on wednesday, that's when it'll be released here.

Guden: I'm about to re-install XP on my machine too, as Ati's latest driver + control panel seems to have messed my PC so that I can no longer play any games without crashing. No complete removal of all Ati, .NET and re-installing older drivers helped. At least I think it was Ati that caused this.

I only have one 120GB drive, partitioned into two. C: with windows and some programs, D: with all my files and some programs.

Any tips on how I could safely remove, format (re-partition) my C: and make a clean install of XP without fear of losing data on D: (I wouldn't want to backup the D: on DVD's).

Or is the XP's 'Repair' installation any good?

Sorry for the OT, I think I'll move this to software forum.
Radibrabit do this

Follow the usual procedure until you get where it asks where you want to install Windows. Say c: then it'll tell you that it has already found a windows directory on the drive and what you want to do. Say Delete(L) windows directory and it'll delete the windows directory only. It'll then install Windows again into the new Windows directory without you losing any information on the rest of C or D drives.

The original Starwars trilogy on DVD, finally.

Of course Lucas couldn't keep his mucking hand off the film, but had to stick the new Anakin at the end of RoTJ.

On the plus side, maybe he'll use his "directorial license" to completely re-shoot episodes 1 and 2.
digitalwanderer said:
RussSchultz said:
The original Starwars trilogy on DVD, finally.
Can't be, he said he was going to "swing some lightsabers" which implies an interaction with something rather than just a passive role. :?
Perhaps he's the 'lightsaber kid'?
digitalwanderer said:
RussSchultz said:
The original Starwars trilogy on DVD, finally.
Can't be, he said he was going to "swing some lightsabers" which implies an interaction with something rather than just a passive role. :?

i usually get so excited when watching the movie that i can't sit tight and i have to make some moves ;)

i'm just kidding btw
RussSchultz said:
Of course Lucas couldn't keep his mucking hand off the film, but had to stick the new Anakin at the end of RoTJ.

Ah... was wondering why none of the previews were allowed to talk about the ending.
I can't wait until HD-DVD arrives and the HD versions come out (supposedly, Lucas has already mastered them)

He should release them on DVD with WM-9 codec for HTPC users.
DemoCoder said:
I can't wait until HD-DVD arrives and the HD versions come out
Neither can Lucas, either, I bet. Yet another chance for him to re-sell the same old films to the same old fans...
Well, I for one, will be rebuying alot of my classic DVDs in HD-DVD format, just as I rebought many VHS films I owned in DVD format.

What do you suggest Lucas do, wait until everyone owns HD-DVD players before releasing the trilogy? As technology progresses, there is nothing wrong with selling better remastered versions that more closely approximate the original artist's vision, but were limited by technology.
Diplo said:
DemoCoder said:
I can't wait until HD-DVD arrives and the HD versions come out
Neither can Lucas, either, I bet. Yet another chance for him to re-sell the same old films to the same old fans...
he forces no one to buy his stuff. Its up to the consumer to decide whether or not they would like to purchase the same movie over and over again.

epicstruggle said:
he forces no one to buy his stuff.


Besides, it would only be money-milking if he released basically the same material again and again, say, the same MPEG2-encoded movies in a different colored box and with different title menus and another documentary tacked on to it. Upping the fidelity from DVD-rez to HDTV is something else entirely.