Is There Anyone On This Forum Over The Age Of 50?

You have another 10 - 15 years for that at least my man. But it's def ok if you buy a sexy new sports car at 30. :smile:
I managed to last one extra year before doing that. Mind you, having someone rear end and write-off my previous car was more of a contributing factor.

Turning 45 in a few months. You kids need to get the hell off my lawn.
You know, it always cheers me up to know that there is someone older than me on the boards :devilish:
Wasn't a sandle, it was a shoe.
...but you can't see the socks if you aren't wearing sandals. :p
Pipe down Tchock you whipper schnapper! Don't you know kids are supposed to be seen, not heard...[grumble about back in my day]
18 here. I was expecting 40 to be the upper limit and 25-28 the average. Whoa.

I'm kinda curious why you thought that? I've been into electronic gaming since Pong back in the 70s. The rise of the mall arcades with games like Asteroids, Galaga, Space Invaders, etc. Then the home consoles and finally PC gaming starting in the early 90s. And I'm a graphics whore, which fuels my interest in GPUs.

I have to admit, though, that I've noticed a sharp decrease in my interest in certain genres, such as shooters. My hearing, vision, and reflexes have all taken noticeable dips over the last 6-7 years, which, frankly, while unavoidable, kind of sucks. Where the hell my 30s went I have no idea.
G's just really busy In Real Life. He drops in from time to time, so he's around, just hellishly busy with work.

I'm a few months off turning 30. Looking forward to the mid-life crisis :LOL:

Geo lives, sorta.

Not 50 yet, but I can see it from here. . .Closer to it than 40.
I can say that before August I had 9 antibiotic cures in this year alone. NOT something you would like to eat just before world's biggest pandemic since Spanish flue hits to your neighbourhood.
Will perhaps please you to know you won't need to take any more antibiotics for the swine flu, as that's caused by a virus, which is unaffected by antibiotics.

Never take antibiotics for viral infections, all you do is increase the risk of random bacteria in/around you develop resistance to our medications.