Interesting new virus which chats to it's victims to earn their trust

Article said:
The program arrives in a message with an attachment that says "lol thats cool" - adopting the internet shorthand for "laughing out loud" or "lots of laughs". People who reply to the mail, possibly asking quastions about the attached file, get the reply "lol no its not its a virus".

Intelligence is not even at h4x0r-level ;)
DudeMiester said:
That's hardly sophisticated AI.

But it's a lot better than what was used previously.
It's more to do with the direction they are taking being more sophisticated and not the AI.
Bad choice of words on my part.

Could you imagine a being more intelligent than Jabberwock spreading virii in the future?
Surprisingly, as idiotic as the A.I. sounds (lol check this out lol LOL lol) it's slightly more intelligent than some teenagers I've encountered online.