Intel Kentsfield Quad Core Previews


Quad-thread support er not, four cores in one package does look mighty sweet.

Building on top of the already excellent performance of Intel's Core 2 Duo processors, Intel's quad-core solutions will offer a very attractive upgrade path for those users that have invested in the right motherboards today.

... there is a great amount of anticipation for quad-core on the horizon. Many PC games, including Alan Wake, will ship with quad-thread support, and an increasing amount of CPU intensive applications will be rolling out further threaded versions of their applications in the coming months.

Cool, but I will get a Core 2 Duo first and move to quad core when the 45nm process hits the street. Multi threading probably wont be to wide spreed before then, me thinks.
I think Quad core is more interesting in servers atm. But I think it is great it is being moved into desktops.

This is probably the most exciting time the CPU industry has had since 1999 when the Athlon showed up and went head to head with the P3 and the 1 Gigahertz barrer was broken!
Good to see intel burning up the consumer market after being so dormant as of late.

Im using a 965 chipset will that work with the Kentsfield?
Im using a 965 chipset will that work with the Kentsfield?

AnandTech has a list of motherboards that will support Kentsfield.


1. The chipset alone doesn't dictate whether or not your motherboard will support Kentsfield - you have to pay attention to the motherboard's revision number and the bios revision required.
2. As stated in the AnandTech article, their list is not exhaustive.
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Good to go too. I'll probably wait for Vista to hit before upgrading, though. My Core2 6400 is already working pretty well as is. :)
Already got my QX6700 on order to replace my X6800.
May be slower in games but the way I use my PC I should see some nice benefits in the real world :)