Infamous (E3 2007)

After reading this...

GS: What's it been like working on the PlayStation 3 for the first time?

BF: For us, the most exciting part of the PS3 has been the cell processor, the SPUs specifically. In our highest density scenes right now, we are currently using about 30 percent of the SPUs' capabilities--with the SPUs doing lots of heavy lifting for us on rendering, visibility, particle systems, skinning, animation blending, and so on...this with scores of pedestrians, cars, fires, etc., all going on. And the best part? We've not made any significant attempts to even optimize the SPU code. I think it's reasonable to guess we could put 10 times as much stuff on the SPUs and still make our frame budgets. It's really pretty amazing.

GS: Thanks for your time.

And seeing this (HD-Trailer)...

I really want this game now. :oops: It's like Crackdown on steroids (pun not intended) and I really did enjoyed Crackdown.!
One of the more interesting showing from E3 imo. Was happy to see something new.

I hope the game really does give a feeling of choice though, not just you fight this robot if your good to save the city, but in this colour (oh my now it's a police robot) if your bad as it is protecting the city...

The game has promise, and I wonder how much they can do with the game, it was looking pretty good in the trailer, though the animations did bother me a bit at times.
There's a huge difference between an Anti-hero and a villain. I think some people (media included) where confused by this from the initial presentations of the game. From all of the info I've gathered, you're choice is between being a hero and an anti-hero, but not an evil doing villain. The role you choose would seem to depend on how you decide to defend the city. Meaning, you could be a boy scout, and protect all life around you while also defeating evil, or be a bit dirtier, smashing up things without regard, defeating the villain at all cost, doing things your own way. But in both cases, it seems, you're still defending the city as some form of a good person. Regardless, I'm still very much looking forward to it. Especially coming from Sucker Punch. Where this coming from some 3rd rate studio or publisher *coughActivisioncough* it probably wouldn't even be on my radar based on the intial trailer. :p
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After reading this...

And seeing this (HD-Trailer)...

I really want this game now. :oops: It's like Crackdown on steroids (pun not intended) and I really did enjoyed Crackdown.!

Eh I don't like that quote that you posted so much. The PR math doesn't work. 30% capability utilization would bring up to a 3x improvement, not a 10x one.

The game looks so interesting though! PS3 is really getting a few good looking games these days.

edit: There is no such thing as not utilizing all your resources. Just utilizing them poorly
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Eh I don't like that quote that you posted so much. The PR math doesn't work. 30% capability utilization would bring up to a 3x improvement, not a 10x one.

The game looks so interesting though! PS3 is really getting a few good looking games these days.
you can utilize 30% of the SPU's capabilities, but without optimization, you can achieve more utilizing the same resources. i'm not much of a tech geek, but what i think he meant was, they're using 30% of the SPU's resources, and thats without optimization.
you can utilize 30% of the SPU's capabilities, but without optimization, you can achieve more utilizing the same resources. i'm not much of a tech geek, but what i think he meant was, they're using 30% of the SPU's resources, and thats without optimization.

Is this like a "we use 10% of our brain" thing :D
Pretty much yeah.

Remember kojima said they where using 1\10th of the PS3's power at the first tech demo of MGS4?

actually one one hundredth.


on a more serious note this does look like its in very early stages, some of the effects look very dated not to mention the stiff animation.
Is this like a "we use 10% of our brain" thing :D

Well look at it this way: Sitting at home watching TV and eventually pressing a button once in a while doesn't compensate for the whole human potential, though this is what most civilized men do most of the time (together with sleeping). Surely you are using your whole brain to sit there and press a button, but compared to what you can do this probably compares to ten per cent or less.
Well look at it this way: Sitting at home watching TV and eventually pressing a button once in a while doesn't compensate for the whole human potential, though this is what most civilized men do most of the time (together with sleeping). Surely you are using your whole brain to sit there and press a button, but compared to what you can do this probably compares to ten per cent or less.

It was a joke, but seriously there isn't a single game where the SPU's are not being 100% "utilized". when they say "50% utilization" or whatever that is marketing talk.

Think about it, would you make a game that clearly only used 1SPU to handle all threads? Of course not, that would be stupid. All the "we are utilizing only 1/3 of the spu's" is nonsense. Its how u use them that matters. So sure, yeah, they will program their code to make better use of the available power. Great, well we knew that anyways thanks! Their % increase promises are just dumb
And I think in many of the earlier titles one SPU would only do some cloth simulation, and another SPU maybe some sound.
Eh I don't like that quote that you posted so much. The PR math doesn't work. 30% capability utilization would bring up to a 3x improvement, not a 10x one.

The game looks so interesting though! PS3 is really getting a few good looking games these days.

edit: There is no such thing as not utilizing all your resources. Just utilizing them poorly

So by your logic, Solitar on a PC is using all of that PC's available resources?

You don't think it's possible that the SPU is simply handling small tasks that don't tax them to the maximum, which would be cause for them only using a portion of their capability?

And since when does optimization directly correspond with on screen action? You're saying you don't think that the extra '90%' of power they '"aren't" using could yeild 10 times more on screen action?

That's really very ridiculous.
So by your logic, Solitar on a PC is using all of that PC's available resources?

You don't think it's possible that the SPU is simply handling small tasks that don't tax them to the maximum, which would be cause for them only using a portion of their capability?

And since when does optimization directly correspond with on screen action? You're saying you don't think that the extra '90%' of power they '"aren't" using could yeild 10 times more on screen action?

That's really very ridiculous.

It's not rediculous, think about it.

And, solitare isn't using all the pc's available resourse because its not a full screen app. But most games on pc achieve pretty high utilization on single core processors, and dual core too when they make use of that. PC is a different platform because devs can't develop/optimize for a single config. It's like this though, even in those cases, the components are still being "used" even if (and this applies to dual core cpu's and up) the components aren't achieving 100% utilization all the time, because x is wrong. Like scheduling isn't perfect, thread arbitration, lack of enough stuff on screen to max the
CPU or whatever. But in most cases, these companies are already achieving very high utilization I'm guessing. Wouldn't make much sense not to use the stuff that you have right? It's the only platform that dev is making the game for, so it's not like they have an excuse not to use something that they have right?

Anyways, I'm tired of talking about this. I think there is a thread about this anyways.
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IIRC Genji wasn't using any SPUs...

I'm not sure about genji, but yeah, and I believe it is the only one. Anyways of course there will be flaws with what I said, but for the most part, yeah. None of these game designers are like, yeah, well, we're using the spu's but this time were only gong to use 30% and blatantly disable 4 spu's. That's all I'm saying.

Like, bizarre said they didn't use the full power of the 360, but everything was still utilized, just not utilized efficiently, ex. no tiling.
I'm not sure about genji, but yeah, and I believe it is the only one. Anyways of course there will be flaws with what I said, but for the most part, yeah. None of these game designers are like, yeah, well, we're using the spu's but this time were only gong to use 30% and blatantly disable 4 spu's. That's all I'm saying.

Like, bizarre said they didn't use the full power of the 360, but everything was still utilized, just not utilized efficiently, ex. no tiling.

Everything may have been utilitzed, but not to their maximum load. That's why your comments are ridiculous.

ex. Ctrl+Alt+Del, then you can check out your CPU load, etc.

I would imagine developers have similar tools on their SDK, and can appropriately see what the load is for each SPU.

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't SPU's pretty much instructino dependant? Meaning if they aren't given tasks, they won't perform any and will just sit there?

You seem to 'know a lot' for making crazy assumptions simply because you think it's 'impossible' for them to say they can get a lot more out of the SPU's, and that they are only using 30% of their 'capabilities'.

He never say's the resources aren't used, he simply says that he thinks they can achieve much more through optimization. It's entirely possible they are only running simple tasks at this point that only tax 1/3rd of the SPU's available crunching power.
