In the process of building a new PC-recommendations or advice?

You should look at getting 2Gigs of memory (2 1Gig sticks) instead of just 1Gig.

As for the Video Card, that seems to be a little pricey for a slower 256Meg card. Especially considering you can buy a new X1900 XT for less than that price, and can find 2 month old X1800 XT PEs (700/800Mhz) for $430 shipped.
Avon_Implosion said:
just open for other options.
No problem and it's a wise thing to do, I was just checking because it was all deja vu-ish for me! :LOL:

Been a loooong day here, sorry. :oops:

Did you decide 'tween a dual-core CPU or not yet? (I haven't checked the links yet, again sorry.)

Just checked the links; 3800 64x2, 7800GTX. :???:

You really might want to look into getting a cheaper single-core CPU for now and upgrade to a dual-core down the road when the price drops, and I personally prefer ATi over nVidia but the next gen cards are all pretty nice so you really can't go wrong.

You might want to scale back your CPU a bit and get that extra Gb of ram as suggested earlier, 2Gb is getting to be neccessary fast.
Dump the 7800GTX, wow that's way over priced. Instead grab a X1900XT. Also, grab 2GB's of memory, its a must.
Skrying said:
Dump the 7800GTX, wow that's way over priced. Instead grab a X1900XT.
Oh, if it's 'tween the 7800GTX & X1900XT get the X1900XT in a heartbeat!!!

I thought we were comparing 7800GTX to X1800XT, and I'd still got the X1800XT just based on features.
it seems like changing the video card is a must-everything else i'll take into heavy consideration.

its all really up in the air still, so i'll think about everything stated here before i take action.

thanks for your help.
I would recommend getting something like a 3000+ or 3200+ as well; the new socket M2 chips will be coming out around mid year and s939 dual core processors will probably drop quite a bit in price by then.

Definitely drop that GTX and go for an X1900 XT. You might also want to look at some better ram if you plan on overclocking at all.
ANova said:
I would recommend getting something like a 3000+ or 3200+ as well; the new socket M2 chips will be coming out around mid year and s939 dual core processors will probably drop quite a bit in price by then.

Right now my lil 3000+ A64 is more than enough for me paired up with my "ancient" X800TT, I figure you'll be good to go with the 3000+ 'til at least August and dual core prices should be dropping like a stone around then. (Me hopes!)
Good advice so far, I would agree with the 2Gb RAM. Having just upgraded my PC I found that even current games set to max detail run like a slideshow with only 1Gb.

X1900XT seems a no brainer over the 256Mb 7800GTX. I myself have just bought 2 450MHz 7800GT's, and had I realised that the X1900XT's would be available in the UK from launch I would have seriously considered one of those... DOH!

That said I am very happy with the SLI'd 7800s :)
