Impressive optical illusion

The first time I watched didn't work because I was expecting some Banshee or something similar to pop up and scare the SH** out of me, but then i watched it properly and it was impressive.
Hmm, I saw color but only for the briefest of moments. My brain must be broke.

So what does that prove? That our color vision operates with expectations? Or that it operates with "frame" differences?

Looking at the castle "pre-image", the colors are complementary to what's presumably the natural image. Orange sky instead of blue sky, pink grass.

When the picture changes to b/w does the sky start looking blue because I expect the sky to, if anything, look blue? Or does it start looking blue because my brain, detecting that there's a lot less orange now, "overswings" into anti-orange, which is blue?
I'd guess it's a bit of both.
"Inverse burn in" (or whatever it should be called) is well known and works even if the image has no meaning. Try it with a colored square.
But when the burned in image match what you currently see, and the colors is what you expect them to be, then the effect seem to last much longer.
Didn't work perfectly for me...when the kandscape came on, the colours weren't quite there...let's say half coloured and half black and white as it is, as one of my eyes was fooled and the other wasn't. Maybe it's because my right eye in this period isn't working quite right (there's a little scar on its cornea and makes a slight light rifraction) and it's a bit "off"...
Stare hard at a light bulb for a minute (ideally incandescent rather than fluorescent)... then close your eyes and look away.
You have to keep your eyes on the dot to keep the illusion. Seems to work fairly well for me as long as I do that.
No way, with this right eye of mine, I just can't be fooled, although my brain struggles for a few instants whether it should percieve it coloured or not, but than it inevitably settles for "black&white"...anyway, fascinating thing to have your brain wobble back and forth from coloured to black&white for a few moments :D