I'm going to share something serious with you folks

K.I.L.E.R said:
BTW: How's may grammar?

The 2nd sentence should be truncated and have the ", these are among the few changes made to Java." part removed so it reads:

This new version of Java has modernised the language by introducing language changes such as generics, enums, annotations, Swing changes and class data sharing.

"Game developers have not been making a large impact on the Java scene, which means their voices are quite small, that makes an impact the size of a pea on Java's specifications requests."

would read better as:

Game developers have not been making a large impact on the Java scene which means that their voices are quite small and therefore they have made little impression on Java's specification.

"Thankfully Java has a good chunk of the market for mobile games, unfortunately for Sun there is more to games than mobile phones and midget devices, while mobile games are popular, desktop gaming is just as important in my book."

would read better as:

Thankfully Java has a good chunk of the market for mobile games. Unfortunately for Sun, though, there is more to games than mobile phones and handheld devices. While mobile games are popular, desktop gaming is just as important.

"For people to realise Java isn't slow, Sun would need to adhere to the requests of Java game developers, one way or another, because doing so would lead to more games made in Java to drop into the market, which would attract a wider audience towards Java that would look at it in a different light than they used to."

For people to realise Java isn't slow Sun would need to adhere to the requests of Java game developers. Doing so would lead to more games made in Java to perculate into the market which, in turn, would attract a wider audience towards Java who would hopefully then look at the platform in a different light.

"There are many more arguments to be had in the Java gaming arena, while I do understand Sun's stance to changes in the Java language, I'm also a firm believer in the computing evolution"

There are many more arguments to be had in the Java gaming arena. While I do understand Sun's stance to changes in the Java language I'm also a firm believer in the evolution of computing.

Hope that helps :)
K.I.L.E.R said:
So is my grammar bad?
Not particularly, no. However, when writing articles it's always best to confine yourself to short, precise sentences. It's much more readable than long sentences scattered with lots of commas and other punctuation.

Good article :)
Thank God.
Thanks, I have an english test tomorrow, if I fail it, I'm going to have to take an english class during my first year at uni.
K.I.L.E.R. I took an English exam and passed it so I had to avoid taking 2 english classes. haha all my friends had to take those classes cause they could not pass it for the life of them. The best part is Enligsh is not even my first language!