I'm at a loss for words.

london-boy said:
Ignoring the saddest part, which is the fact that even this thread has become religious-fighting ground yet again =YAWN=, this story is so sad.

I know. I really did not post this with the intent on any "religious fighting ground" erupting.

It's just so sad almost unbelievable...
I didnt feel we were fighting... its sad but things like these happen almost daily... and I dont think this particular tragedy has a bearing on anykind of widespread problem other than maybe post partum depression. I care about real issues like the 30-40 000 kids who died yesterday of starvation.

This is sad but I cant feel sad, sympathize, for stuff like this because Id go mad over the number and variety of them. I empathize tho.
Vince agree and your example is what I call superstition... They must be shed but to retain some spiritual perspective doesnt mean accepting things like predestination or total divine control to this degree. If anything education has pushed God out of the picture but not the lifespan of our lives... yet.

I think we might be less inclined to think about the need for God if biological immortality and some kind of personal shield against any danger could be achieved hhe... Id still give thought to it tho... but if he didnt manifest after a million years or so Id certainly have had plenty of time to think about the nature of God. ;)
DemoCoder said:
BTW, I have a structured belief system. It doesn't require a deity. It consists of the golden rule (derivable from Game Theory), a respect for my place in the world and the fact that I need other people, and a general distaste for causing or seing pain in others (the latter of which turns out to be the largest reason why most people aren't violent) I don't commit evil acts because God will punish me (don't believe in the slightest, I'm a radical materialist, if you want to label my beliefs) I don't commit them because I don't like doing it, and I don't like the secular legal repercussions.
I couldn't agree more. When it all comes down to it, true respect is the most important thing you can teach anyone. Respect for others keeps society together, and respect for yourself (esp. for your own mind via education) progresses it forward.

I'm a relatively "religious" person (I'm a Sikh that wears a turban), but I see meaning behind all its rules that seem to relate to respect and the good of society. Even God to me is not a heavenly person, but rather an embodiment of life and society as a whole. The only thing I would add to your beliefs is the value of sharing and serving, but that's related to respect of others anyway.
pax said:
Vince agree and your example is what I call superstition... They must be shed but to retain some spiritual perspective doesnt mean accepting things like predestination or total divine control to this degree. If anything education has pushed God out of the picture but not the lifespan of our lives... yet.

Yet even you believe in a spiritual God. Nope, not superstition or blatant mythology at all. :rolleyes:

I think we might be less inclined to think about the need for God if biological immortality and some kind of personal shield against any danger could be achieved hhe...

Infact, had we this at the start God would certainly be nothing like he has been described in the last 4000 years.

Id still give thought to it tho... but if he didnt manifest after a million years or so Id certainly have had plenty of time to think about the nature of God. ;)

:rolleyes: The nature of God exist indepedently of your capacity to reason it.
Legion you just need to discern what is a philosophical concept from a superstition. If you include any and all ideas about spirituality as superstition then I dont think we'll get very far in our quest for understanding ;).
DemoCoder said:
The Arab world has been held back by religion, so clearly, not all religion is good for empires or civilizations.

Why don't you keep your Arab-bashing and all pervading and all seeing gob in check from time to time?

"Clearly" you are the one that is delucional my friend.
Arab bashing? I bash Islamists and Christians. I'm an atheist. Your religion is as ludicrous to me as any other. The difference, of course, is that Christians went through the enlightenment and came to recognize the ascendency of reason and critical thinking, Muslims did not, except for a few like Ibn Rushd and Farabi.

Today, many Islamic countries are locked in 12th century thinking when it comes to their religion. You really think Arab conception of religion is as enlightened, tolerant, and critical as Western? The resistance to the "other", to outside ideas and influences, is a critical impediment to their advancement.
Tahir said:
DemoCoder said:
The Arab world has been held back by religion, so clearly, not all religion is good for empires or civilizations.

Why don't you keep your Arab-bashing and all pervading and all seeing gob in check from time to time?

"Clearly" you are the one that is delucional my friend.

Don't prematurely shut your mind to other perspectives because a small few may seem malevalent. Therein lies the road to hell on earth.
Tahir said:
DemoCoder said:
The Arab world has been held back by religion, so clearly, not all religion is good for empires or civilizations.

Why don't you keep your Arab-bashing and all pervading and all seeing gob in check from time to time?

"Clearly" you are the one that is delucional my friend.

Ahh Tahir. I do understand your affinities. These matters though of right and wrong (moral absolutes) we grow up with are difficult to let go of. I still look for justification in science for them but it really is an uphill gradient.

Look, I can see what DC is saying, it is not as though Arab/Islamic nations are the bastions of the modern world. Islam is in many ways holding back social evolution in Arabic cultures. But given what we know WRT the universe there is little evidence that any human religion is even close to the mark of whatever god thinks/knows/is. Why should whole cultures (and governments!!) be rallying around any one of these religions? We don't know why we are here or anything. (nor do the Mullahs.) Sure there are a few rules of thumb you ought to live by when living in groups but these are not absolute laws dictated by Allah or the guy that the pope confers with from time to time.

I have struggled with these matters myself to a degree but not so much because of religion rather just simple search of objective truth regarding the universe. The best thing I can muster is too suggest that whatever everything comes from...must be god. Does god have a set of rules? I don't know. Does he give a flying fuck about us humans? I don't know. Does the entire universe exist solely for our existence? I doubt it.. All these things and more make a mockery of our religious convictions because it tells us that indeed there is not a set of morals handed too us from Allah or whomever.. Sure, the mater is hopeless but it is better then blind faith in some ancient social construct. I guess to put it simply, if there is a god/gods or whatever, I doubt that it would actually would fit the bill we have made for it. Myself I have become quite indifferent to allot of things. (lately-again.)

Sure Arab cultures (Islam) might slowly evolve out of their ways but it won't come about by embracing the Koran more strictly. It can only come from the pursuit of the truth and accepting it, even if it contradicts Islam. That standard is the slayer of religions and consequentially the cultures that rally around them. DC was not far off the mark if you ask me when he suggested that the Arab world has been held back by religion. From a western perspective it most certainly has in a lot of ways.
sytaylor said:
you improve success of that child by having a father that can hunt/gather and a mother that can nurture.
The whole tripe could to some extent share the responsibility and burden of bringing up the children.
And even better, if either parent dies there will be others more than willing to take over

DemoCoder said:
With respect to STDs, promiscuity increases your chances of getting one. Cultures and tribes with monogamous relationships would be more likely to survive longer and healthier, and therefore, growth larger in population, making it more likely that their memes would become dominant.
Having more children with different people results in a more varied genetic pool which in turn prevent both inbreed on has obvious quantity advantages.

As for evidence of this, look to Africa today. Any subgroup of people practicing monogamy or abstinence will have a much higher survival rate than others.

Don’t you think you are being a wee bit oafish here? The health problems in Africa is attributed to many factors, but I highly doubt that they could be prevented by strict monogamy.

Think about it, the human race, as we know it is approximately 200,000 years old, we can’t possibly have developed into, or survived by being as egocentric as we are on the western world today?

How would a single lonely family ever survive on its own, in the harsh reality of nature?
In nature if you are not living in a closely knit society where the person next to you really cares about you and will support you in a dangerous and tight situations, you won’t be passing your geens on for many generations.
If she didn't know what she did was wrong, why'd she call the 9-11 and tell the dispatcher she'd just killed her children?