Hungry and pissed off.

Guden Oden said:
"Organic food" = cultivated without chemically produced fertilisers, pesticides etc...

I think he was just poking some fun at the silly name.

I really despice "organic" food. We would be very hard pressed feeding even the current world population with only "organic" food. It's more expensive and quality quite often worse IMO.
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soylent said:
I think he was just poking some fun at the silly name.

I really despice "organic" food. We would be very hard pressed feeding even the current world population with only "organic" food. It's more expensive and quality quite often worse IMO.
Plus organic is not necessarily healthier.

Anyhow, this thread inspired me to google for the history of pancakes. It seems they have *at least* two distinct origins which explains the wide variances in pancake definitions.

But imho if it's baked in an oven it's not a pancake. ;)
As long as they have maple syrup on them Ill eat them mmmm or waffles with fresh cream cinnamon and maple syrup.

/me Homer Simpson drools

Is there a drooling smily?
soylent said:
We would be very hard pressed feeding even the current world population with only "organic" food.
No we wouldn't. Perhaps we'd have to eat less meat and dairy, but us westerners eat too much of that already, so it won't matter much.

"Modern" farming methods are actually quite damaging to the soils being farmed, due to monocultural methods, overuse of fertilizers, pesticides etc.
Guden Oden said:
No we wouldn't. Perhaps we'd have to eat less meat and dairy, but us westerners eat too much of that already, so it won't matter much.

"Modern" farming methods are actually quite damaging to the soils being farmed, due to monocultural methods, overuse of fertilizers, pesticides etc.
Yeah, and those shitty 1 to 500+ yeilds on grains...compared to old 1 to 3 or 1 to 5...
Depends on how strict yoru definition of "Organic" is, so people don't consider specialty seeds "organic".
Fine, then they can plant 1/3 of their crop the next season. I'll buy mine, and reap a hundredfold.
Nature has a tendency of punishing quick rewards. The power-farming we're currently engaging in has a severe impact on our environment, people can choose to deny it, but the effects are still there. Even if we ignore the harm to our soils, the loss of bio-diversity might be enough to wipe out much of our agriculture at some point in the future. Imagine some kind of aids-like plant disease, a mold or even a bug; resistant to our poisons but vastly in love with our most popular variety of ultra super wheat 1000%+ which has become the dominant variety across the globe...

Then have the something similar happen with rice, corn, soy, tomatoes, whathaveyou. It would be enough to ruin our entire day, that I can guarantee you. :)