Hawking is a bit of a public figure and likes to get press coverage. Hence he says things that are at times a little bit... well silly.
We are a long way from understanding the early universe, much less even what we observe today. There is still decades of work left to make astrophysics air tight, b/c as it stands now its still patchwork, with some things that we know and understand well (for instance big bang nucleosynthesis, and others that we don't have the slightest clue about eg darkenergy)
Keep in mind people are still actively trying to modify general relativity (past say solar system scales), that such attempts are even taken seriously is an indication that our basis is still sufficiently shaky.
Nevermind the theoretical issues with quantum gravity, which we will need to have pinned down theoretically before any hope of experiment can take place. My point of view is it will take another few hundred years to get it all sorted through and sufficiently agreed upon.
We are a long way from understanding the early universe, much less even what we observe today. There is still decades of work left to make astrophysics air tight, b/c as it stands now its still patchwork, with some things that we know and understand well (for instance big bang nucleosynthesis, and others that we don't have the slightest clue about eg darkenergy)
Keep in mind people are still actively trying to modify general relativity (past say solar system scales), that such attempts are even taken seriously is an indication that our basis is still sufficiently shaky.
Nevermind the theoretical issues with quantum gravity, which we will need to have pinned down theoretically before any hope of experiment can take place. My point of view is it will take another few hundred years to get it all sorted through and sufficiently agreed upon.