How Likely is it that PS3 will have Blu-ray Built-in????

This a monthly topic or something? :p

Alls I know is the longer the system takes to come out, the better the chance it will be in there. It's certainly their best opportunity to leverage Blu-Ray, and they seem to be doing all sorts of funky fiddling with it, (Paper disks sorta came out of nowhere! ;) ) so I'm seeing a decent chance.

Certainly for the next generation to really hold out until beyond 2010, I think they'll be needing to pierce the confines of DVD, and in that case which way is Sony most likely to go?
Yep, paper discs kinda left me :oops: when i saw them on TV the other day.. I mean its not gonna happen anytime soon, but still, it's good to see some people are pushing new things forward...
I really do believe that PS3 in 2006 will have Blue Ray. In 2006. Maybe not if it comes out in 2005. (That's my prediction at least)
Possibility of read-only Blu-ray - very,very high.
Possibility of read/write? - No idea. Seems to be asking for too much.
Considering how Blue Ray seems to be "only" read&write, they could pull an Xbox and leave the reading capabilities free out of the box, with a separate licence to pay for the write capabilities which are already there but cannot be used out of the box. Kinda like the remote control on Xbox, what you's paying is the licence...

So, maybe it will be PS3+BR(read only) out of the box, and the separate "remote control" with licence to purchase to enable the writing capabilities...

Just saying....
They could sell a VIVO accessory that includes the video in ports, if they are not included on the basic machine.
PS2 was supposed to have a TV tuner as an accessory (at least it was rumoured) with the HD, making it a HD-DVR machine. It never materialised though as such, but instead the PSX.

Edit: Or they might launch a higher end PS3 along with the basic PS3, as was rumoured earlier.
Wouldn't Sony make piracy easier if they were to include a Read/Write capable blu-ray drive? If the blu-ray can actually write to blu-ray and therefore read them, they might make it easier for pirated copied blu-ray disks to be used on the system. :?:
Phil said:
Wouldn't Sony make piracy easier if they were to include a Read/Write capable blu-ray drive? If the blu-ray can actually write to blu-ray and therefore read them, they might make it easier for pirated copied blu-ray disks to be used on the system. :?:

Because it's hard now? ............... ;)

No, really, i think they could get round the problem by only enabling writing to Blue Ray when not in "game mode"... Or making games impossible to copy (unless of course u chip the machine). Other than that, write-to-BR would be great for TIVO capabilities in PS3. Or they'll just release a PSX2(3?) just like this generation...
I see. I was more thinking of the write-capability to save game related content on the disc, i.e. for game-saves or other extras like downloadable content instead which would be a great thing if they were not to include a harddrive.

Anyway, I think the main reason why it won't be included is cost related. I think Sony would probably want PS3 to act as a great starter product and get people interested (similar like they did with PS2 and DVD-Video). For those that want all the extra benefits and functionality, they could just promote their other [Sony] products. To have an all in one system is afterall very costly - having the basic functions in it to attract customers could prove to be quite effective and then have them buy the 'real' thing for the rest.

***Edit: left something unreplyed:

london-boy said:
Because it's hard now? ............... ;)

It's challenging to say the least and not feasable for 90+% of the people that own a PS2, because by participating, a mod chip of some sort would need to be used which voids the warranty (and mod chip distributers can be tracked down). If you have a system that already has everything included to 'read' copied material, you're actually making it a whole lot easier for the casual consumer that has eDonkey/eMule running at home...

Other sources have raised similar concerns when talking about PSP and its medium being read/write enabled.
Yes i agree with u that they should be very careful with Piracy, but i think you're underestimating it a lot. Many if not most of the people i know have chipped consoles, ever since the days of the PS1...

I would like to make it clear that i don't really care about having a PS3 that can write discs. However i always had the impression that the very nature of BR is the capability to read and write by default, basically meaning there is not going to be a BR-Read-Only. That is why i think the capabilities will be there, but can only be enabled using special software to be purchased separately. Or maybe i got the whole BR thing wrong...
Even if the drive in the PS3 could write, you'd need a disk to store the disc you're trying to copy, right?

So a PC would seem to be the best way to try to "back up" PS3 game discs.

Well Sony has introduced a data-storage focused variant of BR, with media in caddy:

Supposedly, for consumer applications like movies and presumably games, they are working on a caddyless variant, with hardened surface layers.

But the price of the underlying hardware and media will only go down with economies of scale. And the PS3 would certainly bring economies of scale to the manufacturing of the drives.

So PS3 could help popularize BR, which in turn would bring down prices for BR drives for PCs, which would facilitate piracy.

Such a conumdrum.
wco81 said:
Even if the drive in the PS3 could write, you'd need a disk to store the disc you're trying to copy, right?

So a PC would seem to be the best way to try to "back up" PS3 game discs.

Huh? Why? If PS3 can write to disc, all u do is shove the disc in and let PS3 write! Why would u wanna go through a PC? This is considering it's not at all clear whether BR will come to PC at all...
Say you want to copy a PS3 game. You have to have it in the drive to read while you need another drive to write. Unless there is a hard disk to store the data from the original.

BTW, even if there is a BR drive, we might see DVDs used for PS3 games for the first couple of years, just as the first PS2 games were on CDs. Because filling more than a DVD worth of data could make games production costly.

The thing that could fill up the space is support for HDTV resolution, like 1080i. Then fill that up with some HDTV video for cut scenes and the like.
wco81 said:
Say you want to copy a PS3 game. You have to have it in the drive to read while you need another drive to write. Unless there is a hard disk to store the data from the original.

BTW, even if there is a BR drive, we might see DVDs used for PS3 games for the first couple of years, just as the first PS2 games were on CDs. Because filling more than a DVD worth of data could make games production costly.

The thing that could fill up the space is support for HDTV resolution, like 1080i. Then fill that up with some HDTV video for cut scenes and the like.

Oh yeah i see what u're saying... HDD would be needed to copy games... Although i'm sure some people could very well get round that by connecting PS3 to an external HDD (PC for example).
Also, i'm sure, as many have said, that devs will always find a way to fill up discs if they're given the choice!!
Megadrive1988 said:
I would like all games to be on Blu-Ray since the loading times would probably be cut back somewhat, from DVD-ROM. wouldn't it?

But I think most developers would use DVD, since it would probably be cheaper to manufacture.

Sony could force them to use BR by not supporting DVD (not include red laser in the drive) but that would hurt the viability of the PS3 since supporting at least DVD video playback, as well as PS2 game compatibility, would be selling points for the machine.

As for load times, I think Sony has always skimped on drives, whether the drive wasn't as speedy or didn't have as much cache. I remember the Saturn had more cache in its CD-ROM drive than the PS1 drive did.
I forget what the cache sizes were. Never had the Saturn but a lot of people who had both machines said it loaded a lot faster.

Plus the PSOne of course had all kinds of loading problems, with people publishing instructions on how to re-adjust the laser assembly so that it didn't stutter or fail to load completely.

Given Sony's history and the need to keep down costs, the PS3 optical drive will probably be bare-bones and probably not the most reliable.

However, as bad as my PSOne was, my PS2 has been flawless as far as loading discs, after almost 4 years.
London boy : BR discs cant be made by pressing/injection-molding? Are you quite sure about that?
MfA said:
London boy : BR discs cant be made by pressing/injection-molding? Are you quite sure about that?

He seems a bit confused on a few things. Such as not acknowledging BD-ROM or the recent push to remove the Caddy in all 2nd generation drives with the use of a hardcoating - ergo TDK's admission into the founders groups.

TDK joins, brings hardcoat with them