Highlights of 2003 (Consoles)


B3D Yoddha
1. MS-IBM-ATI alliance for XB2
2. PSP Annoucement
3. Eyetoy's runaway success
4. Several supposed-to-be-blockbusters-but-turned-lackluster titles, Tomb Raider, Castelvania, DMC2 etc
5. GTA double pack for XB
6. N-gage fiasco
7. Phantom :LOL:

Anything else......
Metroid Prime for being such an unbelievably good game after all the horror stories about its development and problems at Retro in general.
We should probably limit it to non-game rating qualifications, else we're just going to get buried in people's favorite pics. ;) (Like is there anything bad about Prince of Persia? I thought not. :p )
Well there's still the rumored drop for something in January, which would be fine by me, since I'm never caring about the holiday crush. Hehe...
Sammy buying up a huge portion of SEGA came as a shock, and now the threatening of an extremely hostile takeover.

Nintendo dropping the price of the Gamecube was to be expected, but to see it sell so well was a complete shock to me. Way to go Nintendo, now just keep the momentum up.

I guess another big thing that surprises me is all the cancelled retro games from within SEGA, but that is moot.

The amount of Live enabled games on the Xbox has really grown and it has become a must have for any hardcore gamer owning an Xbox. I didn't think it would take off in terms of support, but it has exceeded my expectations.

Another big shock for me was the unveiling/announcement of Final Fantasy VII: Advent Story. I don't know about anyone else but I am looking forward to this one even though it is only a movie.
What Rare managed to produce in 2003 since the buyout by MS. Rare do take their time don't they.
Mario kart double dash


The legend of zelda for the gamecube .

Getting the best console rpg ever made for free along with its sequals and the stunning orcirina of time with it all for free might I remind you was the best thing ever . Oh and masters quest which i still can't figure out what the diffrence was between the two .
1. The release of the gorgeous Logitech GT Force Pro wheel, but the only game that official supports it was recalled because of problems playing with the wheel. (nearly half a million copies of GT4 P was sold in Japan)

2. Siren

3. PSX and the last minute removal of several features
in order of impact:

1. the Shock and Pure unadulterated horror of that known as FFX-2

2. Siren, I don't understand a word of it but jeevus!

3. Eyetoy for not sucking as expected.

4. IBM dipping their fingers in each and every Pie.
jvd said:
Getting the best console rpg ever made for free along with its sequals and the stunning orcirina of time with it all for free might I remind you was the best thing ever . Oh and masters quest which i still can't figure out what the diffrence was between the two .

Zelda is an adventure, not an RPG.

Even Nintendo themselves don't try to claim it's an RPG. >_>

"Category: Adventure"
Tagrineth said:
jvd said:
Getting the best console rpg ever made for free along with its sequals and the stunning orcirina of time with it all for free might I remind you was the best thing ever . Oh and masters quest which i still can't figure out what the diffrence was between the two .

Zelda is an adventure, not an RPG.

Even Nintendo themselves don't try to claim it's an RPG. >_>

"Category: Adventure"
Bah its an rpg darn it :) I remember my nintendo power from when it came out that called it an adventure rpg :) old habits . I've been a nintendo power subscriber since i was 4 and it wasn't called nintendo power
It's an Adventure RPG. Definitely not a regular adventure game akin to King's Quest or Quest For Glory.
jvd said:
Bah its an rpg darn it :) I remember my nintendo power from when it came out that called it an adventure rpg :) old habits . I've been a nintendo power subscriber since i was 4 and it wasn't called nintendo power

No, it's always been Nintendo Power.
1. Cell patent being discovered

2. Nintendo GC drop to 99 bucks

3. PSP's and it's specs, absolutely groundbreaking.