Well, after having a Vesa2 compatible monitor at home for sometime now, I just thought it's about time I try out a few games that offer progressive output here in Europe.
The only game I currently own is the Getaway. The linuxkit also runs the VGA signal perfectly.
Now, here's the problem. I start up the game using my tv and click myself to the display settings. Before actually pressing the X-button to enable progressive scan, I switched the cables at the back to connect the PS2 to my VESA2 compatible monitor. After I switched the cables, I pressed the X-button and there ya go, The Getaway running on my monitor. Unfortunately though, it doesn't last long and after about 3 seconds, the damn game switches itself back to PAL which results in the monitor presenting a black screen.
Question: what do I need to do (or press) so that the progressive scan option stays active? Also, how do you guys start up those games, as my monitor doesn't support PAL signals which the PS2 sends out while booting up games...
thanks in advance
The only game I currently own is the Getaway. The linuxkit also runs the VGA signal perfectly.
Now, here's the problem. I start up the game using my tv and click myself to the display settings. Before actually pressing the X-button to enable progressive scan, I switched the cables at the back to connect the PS2 to my VESA2 compatible monitor. After I switched the cables, I pressed the X-button and there ya go, The Getaway running on my monitor. Unfortunately though, it doesn't last long and after about 3 seconds, the damn game switches itself back to PAL which results in the monitor presenting a black screen.
Question: what do I need to do (or press) so that the progressive scan option stays active? Also, how do you guys start up those games, as my monitor doesn't support PAL signals which the PS2 sends out while booting up games...
thanks in advance