Super Duper [size=+2]Tritech/Bitboys/VLSI Pyramid3D[/size]
well, in fact, not quite.

while project started clearly before Voodoo Graphics, chip became such a huge monster (programmable vertex engine and microcode programmable pixelpipeline. vertex engine had 32K words program lenghts, supported loops, jumps, conditions, etc. pixel shader had 3 color and 3 temp registers, able to use 2 textures per pixel, program lenght of 32 words, internal 32 bit rendering, early z-kill, etc...) that getting out working revision took a looooong time and the release went as far as August 1997. Unfortunately, Tritech losed audioside patent lawsuit in September 1997 and went bankcrupt early 1998. Technologially 7 years ahead, chip falled back on memory bandwidth and due huge complexity, clocks were quite low, so no one was interested to keep chip alive.
I am still looking for possibility to put this thing against one of the it's possible competitors from 1997/1998.
EDIT: to get right mood while reading, I recommend playing Chris Hülsbeck's Giana Sisters Intro as SID version in background...

it gives a quite lot of glamour on this post.