Hate over the web: gaygamer DDOS'd.

When you have the opportunity, take a look at the homophobic comments that fly fast and furiously when you're gaming.

Everything from people calling one another fags to calling anything bad that happens to them 'gay' or 'ghey'. Calling others queers, etc.

Online gaming is pretty homophobic unfortunately.

Considering you're replying to the aging king of electronic gaming, the kid who was there in mall arcades in the mid-70s, I'm well aware of the gay pejoratives that are so commonly used. :cool:
Considering you're replying to the aging king of electronic gaming, the kid who was there in mall arcades in the mid-70s, I'm well aware of the gay pejoratives that are so commonly used. :cool:
So do you now understand why homosexual gamers may desire to play together?
So do you now understand why homosexual gamers may desire to play together?

I can't hit the site at work so I haven't looked at it, so is that what it's trying to do? I read the domain name and just thought it was attempting to blend the two and didn't understand the need to do so.

Go to a gay bar. You'll hear the word faggot more than once in an evening, trust me. But it's suddenly OK because it's coming from a fellow faggot (just as the N word is kosher coming from an African American). But, oh, this is all off-topic, and I really don't have a thing against the site.
I can't hit the site at work so I haven't looked at it, so is that what it's trying to do? I read the domain name and just thought it was attempting to blend the two and didn't understand the need to do so.

Go to a gay bar. You'll hear the word faggot more than once in an evening, trust me. But it's suddenly OK because it's coming from a fellow faggot (just as the N word is kosher coming from an African American). But, oh, this is all off-topic, and I really don't have a thing against the site.
That's going to be some of it, I am sure. It looks like a general community site to me. People join together over all sorts of things, and being gay and a gamer makes as much sense as anything else, particularly given how much people deride homosexuals in today's gaming culture.
That's going to be some of it, I am sure. It looks like a general community site to me. People join together over all sorts of things, and being gay and a gamer makes as much sense as anything else, particularly given how much people deride homosexuals in today's gaming culture.

Yup, just like Christian Gamers -- who play, uh... Networked versions of solitaire?

Xtian gamers get railed on too. Thats what I like about internet gaming. They are equal opportunity discrimanators and go after anyone who is too prudish and selfrighteous for their own good.

I must admit I get offended sometimes by the racist rants you see in WoW general chat sometimes, but hell its probably good for me. Gives me intestinal fortitude.
So if I choose to attack a site, it's because I hate what they stand for? That's kind of lame. :(