Hate over the web: gaygamer DDOS'd.

I don't go there so I didn't learn of this - or that the site's back online again - until I read about it on Joystiq. I just wanted to complain about the sadness of the individuals who do such things.

Really, if these peiople believe themselves so much better than someone who's gay - surely there would be smarter and more effective ways to communicate that belief than simply barraging a site with crap to shut it down for a relatuively hort while.

I guess this is ample proof they're actually NOT any better. :p

So thge only question that remains is the relatively short and succinct, just WTF is wrong with people?

Wgy can't we simply get along?
It's mostly fear and stupidity that causes it. That doesn't make it right at all, but that's generally what drives it.

I find discrimination appalling in any form, but homophobia is getting old and annoying as hell....aren't we past this shit like 10-20 years ago? :???:
And they put hate up all over the forum. Disgusting. One doesn't have to like something, just tolerate it.
I'm sitting at my desk and didn't have much time to peruse that site but let me take a swing at what happened: The site was hacked and bombarded with anti-gay nonsense.

I'm sitting at my desk and didn't have much time to peruse that site but let me take a swing at what happened: The site was hacked and bombarded with anti-gay nonsense.


No wait, I mean yes.
As you might imagine, the last few days have been rather stressful. First we were blocking the IP addresses of a rather feeble DoS. Then the hate speech started appearing all over our forums. All of this was annoying but we were handling it. However, then our hosting company stepped in to do whatever it is they had to do, and that was the reason for such a long outage. I am looking for alternatives to avoid such problems in the future. Anyone out there have rack space available for your friendly neighborhood gay gamer?

It has been suggested that all of this was a PR stunt. While that is an affront to all the turmoil we've been going through this weekend to recover the site, I must admit that all the attention suddenly turning it our direction and the overwhelming show of support by so many is richly rewarding and rather ironic considering that it was a homophobic stunt that precipitated these events. So, I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome any newcomers who have become aware of our existence due to our misfortune. We hope you will choose to stick around.
It's more correctly DDoS. Distributed Denial of Service attack. Overburdening the server with more requests than it can handle from many trojan'ed computers run by hackers in what is called a botnet slowing the heck out of the server or stalling it.
It's mostly fear and stupidity that causes it. That doesn't make it right at all, but that's generally what drives it.

I find discrimination appalling in any form, but homophobia is getting old and annoying as hell....aren't we past this shit like 10-20 years ago? :???:

I can't agree more; just think about your skin color for a PRIME example of something that should've been gone like 40 years ago. (if not more...) :(
"Pastor" Phelps and the other nutters in the Westboro baptist church. Prime examples of live-and-let-live turn-the-other-cheek christians.. :LOL:

Of course intolerance comes in all shapes sizes and colors. As a race (note use of singular) us humans are exceedingly and depressingly xenophobic. I visited break.com earlier today and listened to two parents getting pranked about their daughter going to uni and starting to date an "italian" guy when they themselves were jewish. They were all americans btw. Including the supposedly "italian" guy the daughter wasn't actually dating.

The mother threatened to kill herself over it though I doubt she actually was serious. Still. You'd think they believed it was the end of the gofddamn world just because they believed their daughter was seeing a non-jewish guy.

Again I wonder WTF is wrong with people!
Ignore them? Deal with attacks as they come?

Trying to change the world and peoples mentality to fit one's definition of right and wrong is such a hopelessly idealistic and ultimately self defeating task at this level.

I imagine the admin of the site could track the individuals down, prosecute them and so forth, but honestly a lot of time wasted for very little gained. Likely the people Ddosing the site were probably just trying to get people riled up in the first place: 'Trolls' if you will.

Over the years, I've seen people organize their forums to spam the crap out of just about every major 'interest' group on the internet (whether its fox, religious sites, gay/lesbian, racial, womens interest... You name it). Invariably the targets takes it as a direct assault on their principles/ideals, when it usually is nothing more than people just looking for cheap anonymous thrills gained from the righteous indignation.
Ignore them? Deal with attacks as they come?

Trying to change the world and peoples mentality to fit one's definition of right and wrong is such a hopelessly idealistic and ultimately self defeating task at this level.
We have been successful many times in the past in bringing one form or another of discrimination to the light and getting people to think it's wrong. I don't see why anybody would expect anything different to happen with homosexuality, despite how hard certain groups of the religious are clinging to the idea that it's wrong.
Wgy can't we simply get along?

Because that would go against our survival instincts, which are very competitive in nature. Even our genes fight wars in the moment of conception, also the sperm contains about 60-70% "killers" which are there solely for the purpose of killing other men's sperm (the fertilizer-sperms are less than 10% usually).

If you're interested in these topics, I recommend "The red queen", "The selfish gene" and "Sperm wars". Great books which make you understand many things happening in day-to-day life.
If you're interested in these topics, I recommend "The red queen", "The selfish gene" and "Sperm wars". Great books which make you understand many things happening in day-to-day life.

No way am I walking into a bookstore to order a book called "Sperm wars".

It's one of the best books ever, seriously. And it's of rather scientific nature, no vulgarities or such in there.


As a side effect, it's also a real eye-catcher for the ladies, a curiousity-inducing monster ;)

BTW, if you also want hard data and more detail from this research, it's in the academic version of the book, called "Human Sperm Competition".
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Because that would go against our survival instincts
There's no threat against anyone's survival by people being gay.

That's utter tosh, x. This is nothing other than people being a bunch of smelly bigoted buttmonkeys, don't drag survival instincts and other irrelevant nonsense into the disucssion please. :cool:

Bullying comes out opf peer pressure, peple either wanting/needing to feel superior than others or simply enjoying tormenting or ruin stuff for other people.

The latter's particulary true across the internet I'd say because of the added feeling of anonymity and safety fpor the attacker.

As a white male this might come off as insensitive, but I don't get the need to mix my interest in electronic gaming with my sexuality, so I don't understand the need to launch a 'gay' gaming site. That said, to each their own, I wouldn't feel the need to attack it either.
As a white male this might come off as insensitive, but I don't get the need to mix my interest in electronic gaming with my sexuality, so I don't understand the need to launch a 'gay' gaming site. That said, to each their own, I wouldn't feel the need to attack it either.

When you have the opportunity, take a look at the homophobic comments that fly fast and furiously when you're gaming.

Everything from people calling one another fags to calling anything bad that happens to them 'gay' or 'ghey'. Calling others queers, etc.

Online gaming is pretty homophobic unfortunately.