Hamas ends cease-fire after senior leader killed?!?!

'The Palestinians merely have a bad attitude '

I'd love to see them on a good day =/

Seriously, its totally unnacceptable that they bomb buses with so many children in them. What a pathetic display of cowardice!

I love how all the apologists come out immediately and try to divert the blame back on Israel after every terrorist attack.

You realize of course the dilemma. If peace is to come, it will be b/c Israel is essentially negotiating b/c of terrorism. Contrast the palestinian attitude with say, the Tibetans. For some reason, I am much more sympathetic toward the latter, rather than the former.
Tibetans aren't being given the boot of their own land now are they? You can't contrast the Chinese occupation of Tibet with the any other occupation. They're all different and should be treated as such; treated as individual cases.

In the case of the I/P, both sides have consistently shown themselves to be masters of their own misfortunes.
Willmeister said:
Tibetans aren't being given the boot of their own land now are they? You can't contrast the Chinese occupation of Tibet with the any other occupation. They're all different and should be treated as such; treated as individual cases.

Actually yes they are. I remember reading somewhere that so many Tibetans have been forced out of "Tibet Autonomous Province" or whatever it's called that Han Chinese are now the majority there.

On the other hand you have to admire the determination and preserverence of the Palestinians no matter how you feel towards their cause or beliefs. They keep fighting, year in - year out. I wish we (Assyrians/Armenians) had some of this militancy in our "approach" to the homicidal Kemalo-Nazi Turkish government which to this day refuses to accept responsibility for the 1915 Christian Holocaust and continues to oppress the indigenous people of the Anatolian Peninsula. That would finally make me happy.
akira888 said:
Willmeister said:
Tibetans aren't being given the boot of their own land now are they? You can't contrast the Chinese occupation of Tibet with the any other occupation. They're all different and should be treated as such; treated as individual cases.

Actually yes they are. I remember reading somewhere that so many Tibetans have been forced out of "Tibet Autonomous Province" or whatever it's called that Han Chinese are now the majority there.

On the other hand you have to admire the determination and preserverence of the Palestinians no matter how you feel towards their cause or beliefs. They keep fighting, year in - year out. I wish we (Assyrians/Armenians) had some of this militancy in our "approach" to the homicidal Kemalo-Nazi Turkish government which to this day refuses to accept responsibility for the 1915 Christian Holocaust and continues to oppress the indigenous people of the Anatolian Peninsula. That would finally make me happy.

Isn't it true though that the Turkish people have relatively little control over their military affairs? If I recall, that's the way it has been for a long time now. Hell I heard they not only oppress Armenians but Muslims as well--I met this girl from Turkey that said if you wore a head scarf you weren't allowed to attend University there.
Well, the Armenian holocaust in WWI was tragic, but the Turkish government did have trials for all those involved (over 1400 seperate trials IIRC).

Headwear used to define all sort of things durring the Ottoman period. Ataturk basically repressed that form of identity among other reforms.

Some of what you guys said reflects propaganda the EU and US disseminates in order to justify their pro-Turkish foreign policy. Firstly, I wouldn't call M. Kemal a reformer but instead a cruel and genocidal dictator who massacred millions to build his fascist state. This included for example the total ethnic cleansing of the Kars district of Russia of its indigenous inhabitants as well as executing Kurdish parents who gave their children Kurdish baby names. I place him on an altar with Stalin, Hitler and Mao.

The trials you mentioned were conducted by the remnents of the Ottoman Empire who were under Greco-British control, so I wouldn't say that "Turkey" held any trials for the 1915 Holocaust. And the generals - Milli Guvenlik Kurulu - or "National Security Council" in English - are largely afraid of being tied up from trees by their mostly Islamist populace, much as other M.E. secular leaders are. So to say that a "fully democratic" regime in Auncyra (Ankara) would be any better toward Assyrians/Armenians is an enormous stretch of faith - to put it mildly. Most likely it would be much, much worse.

And why is it that a world which demands so much repentance from Germany for the Jewish/Gypsy Genocide tolerates Auncyra's active denial of the 1915 Holocaust? If Gerhard Schroder claimed that Auschwitz was a "Jewish fabrication" and that "Jews did as much evil as Germans did during that time period" the world would be up in arms. Yet the KemaloNazi government in Turkey does the exact same to us and not a soul gives a damn. Bill Clinton even pulled a Congressional resolution acknowledging the 1915 Holocaust off the table after the Turks complained and made veiled threats about American soldiers at Incirlik being harmed. So much for "respect for democracy."

EDIT: Wording.
Dr. Ffreeze said:

Yet the KemaloNazi government in Turkey does the exact same to us and not a soul gives a damn.

I have never herd about a 1915 Holocaust.

Dr. Ffreeze

Oh dear.. that's just wrong :oops: Well akira888, Ontario kids have been learning about it since grade 9 history, if that makes you feel any better :)
Fred said:
You realize of course the dilemma. If peace is to come, it will be b/c Israel is essentially negotiating b/c of terrorism.

Lack of it didnt and doesnt seem to create peace either, it just kept hostilities on a small burner.

Contrast the palestinian attitude with say, the Tibetans. For some reason, I am much more sympathetic toward the latter, rather than the former.

Serving as a fine example.