Greetings to all graphics hardware enthusiasts


Hello there, my nickname is Jollyroger.

I am an ex-games developer, still working in the field of high-performance software.

I love all computer systems and graphics hardware, but my deep passion is primarily rooted in older, high-performance graphics hardware (e.g. 1990s SGI, the golden era) and games consoles (third and fourth generations in particular).

I hope to exchange anecdotes and information about some interesting (for me at least) and controversial machines such as the Sega Saturn (and others), which I used to code for at the time, and that more recently I restarted investigating (e.g. resurrection of the very controversial Sonic X-Treme), to see if developers left anything untapped, given the hard time constraints when developing games.

I will lurk around a little to find my footing, and then I hope to start contributing around the forum...


Hey, welcome! :)

You may find this thread interesting: Questions about Sega Saturn. Also, this one is interesting (if you like old hardware, even though it's not about Saturn): Questions about PS2.

Also, if you really like Saturn, please visit this thread. :p

I will certainly follow these threads, the first one is in fact what drove me to subscribe here :)

Hello and welcome, feel free to lurk and contribute :)

Thank you very much!

Did you ever program for the nv1 ?

I did, not for long though. Never released a full game on it.

Do you ever wonder if clouds dream?

Of course! :)
