Got my computer upgrade in!

Chris_T said:
Okay i fixed my "rising" temps. :devilish: :devilish: :devilish:

I did something idiotic when i was first putting together the computer to cause this. At first i had thrown the system together on a mobo tray and played my first day, got my temps and such. Later when i installed everything in my case i couldn't lock the HSF on the mobo cause the PowerSupply was in my damn way on the lock side.

Without thinking i flipped the clip around inside the HSF unit. The clip has that offcenter bend on it and was putting pressure between the CPU and the socket where it sits above the cpu. Jesus, i know better than that.
Or at least i should. I took my PS out today and was playing with trying to resilver to lower the temps when i noticed that all the AS was being pushed to the bottom of the cpu after i would remove it. By the 3rd time reseating it and hitting 50c temps. I totally realized what i did.

As a testament to these damn XP Mobiles, they are one hell of a chip to be able to work after being abused in this manner. Idleing again at 38 as I type this.

Ran Prime95, Toast Cpu Burn In, and Winamp all at once and couldn't get it to budge above 49c. :devilish:

Good deal, that's much better sounding than your old temps. :)

What are your case temps like? Let me know how the overclocking goes. I might try to push mine back up around 2.4GHz now that I have my new cpu fan. Really I'd like to be able to hit 2.4GHz at 1.7v if possible.

Okay, back again, played with OC'ing all the past week. Got my computer currently locked in @ 2405Mhz 12x200 v1.62 (1.65 in bios). Temps are nominal but good. Can idle down to 38c and full load @ 50c. Ambient temps do play alot in my cpu temps. Crank the A/C to cold and my cpu won't budge over 46c (idle at 34c) but my wife wasn't happy with the arctic conditions when she came home the night i tried that. 8)

I was also able to get my comp to 2508Mhz i believe it was. It was very stable, Prime95 with no errors. That was with 11.5x218 and vcore at 1.7 (1.72 in bios). Temps were nominal as well but noticed they would slowly and eventually climb to the 54c level. After that it was slow going to get the temp to fall back down to 42c dead idle. SLOW going. But even doing online tasks would make it sit at around 48c. So for now i backed off of that clock.

Just to note i can hit 2.4Ghz with the multi at 11.5x210 FSB. But no matter what i set the vcore at it ended up not being very stable. (btw 110fsb ends up showing as 108fsb using Sisoft or WcpuID on my mobo).
And any setting over 12x200 rendered my system unstable. 204 would boot into windows but nothing worked. 208 was no windows. I don't feel the need to put more than 1.7 into the vcore (1.72 in bios). So with better cooling i could probably have a Athlon Mobile XP 2600 running at 2.5Ghz. But still the jump from the 1.8 shipping clock to the 2.4Ghz I'm using stabily is not a bad overclock at all for this computer.

BTW anytime i loosend up the timings on my Geil ram the mobo would have a blessed FIT over it. Standard timings included. It seems to like the abuse.
what you using to test your oc'ing chris?

I get the parts for my new computer on tuesday and plan on at least trying to get some higher performance from it.

ps anyone ever name their computer (outside of the name required during installation)?
Prime95 is one of the standards of course to see if it produces errors during its run.

But for an insta-stress and heat test .. you are going to love this..
Windows Media Player 9: cue up a list of songs and make sure the visualization is on.
Toast Burn in Program on High Priority
Prime95 crunching away as well.

Then i start playing on my comp, not games, but online. Trust me if the system isn't stable, this suite of shit will bring it to its knees. I also took screen shots during this time. But for some reason, probably lateness, i forgot to save all the ones where i went past an hour running all of this. Also the 49c temp was held steady the whole time by having the case side off and box fan blowing on the innards.

Clicking on the image will open one @ 1024x768 Res.

Also if you have SiSoft Sandra their Memory & Cache Benchmark would stress my system the most.