Good God!

London Geezer

So Danny goes into IGN, sees the preview of God of War for PS2, with new videos and clicks on one of them...

He was greeted by a video of the US Army, promoting themselves, to lure videogame playing kids to become a US soldier...

They're using the kids, the ones who like violent games like God of War (nice pun too :rolleyes: ), to go to war?

I find it utterly despicable.

Sorry, i just had to say something...

(Once the US Army video finishes, the real video starts, and i have to say, it looks pretty cool)
you heard about free game called America's Army? guess is that you did. so, whats the big surprise?

with shit going on in Iraq and numbers of new recruits falling dramatically this is prolly only place where they can look for new soldiers.... someone who wants to go thru colledge and his only choice was US army reserve will think more then twice now....but kids that go "OMFG!!!!!!!11111111HEADSHOT J00 N00B!!!!!!1111111" are just what they need.....

stupid fucks that will prolly shit their pants when they see how different reality is compered to games....

and yes...its disgusting.....putting that in something aimed at childern.
silence said:
you heard about free game called America's Army? guess is that you did. so, whats the big surprise?

with shit going on in Iraq and numbers of new recruits falling dramatically this is prolly only place where they can look for new soldiers.... someone who wants to go thru colledge and his only choice was US army reserve will think more then twice now....but kids that go "OMFG!!!!!!!11111111HEADSHOT J00 N00B!!!!!!1111111" are just what they need.....

stupid fucks that will prolly shit their pants when they see how different reality is compered to games....

and yes...its disgusting.....putting that in something aimed at childern.

Yeah, that's exactly what i think, they're obviously targetting an audience who spend their time killing people in a dream videogame world, where killing more people means scoring more points. I just cannot believe they would go that far, and be so upfront about it.
I mean, everyone knew they target kids, obviously, but this is just a totally clear proof of the kind of people they're targetting.
london-boy said:
Yeah, that's exactly what i think, they're obviously targetting an audience who spend their time killing people in a dream videogame world, where killing more people means scoring more points. I just cannot believe they would go that far, and be so upfront about it.
I mean, everyone knew they target kids, obviously, but this is just a totally clear proof of the kind of people they're targetting.
The military spends X amount of dollars to advertise recruits. Developing a video game and releasing it free of charge is a great way to reach a mass audience and ontop of it, its dirt cheap (comparitevily speaking).

Now if there isnt anything wrong with kids playing violent video games, there shouldnt be a problem for groups (be it military, corporation, govermnent,non-profit) from placing adverts in them.

Personally I wont allow violent video games to be played by my kids, but thats just me.

epicstruggle said:
Developing a video game and releasing it free of charge is a great way to reach a mass audience and ontop of it, its dirt cheap (comparitevily speaking).

Huh? Whoever said anything about free games?
london-boy said:
epicstruggle said:
Developing a video game and releasing it free of charge is a great way to reach a mass audience and ontop of it, its dirt cheap (comparitevily speaking).

Huh? Whoever said anything about free games?
americas army. arg, i cut silence quote from your post which i quoted. might have made more sense if i had left it in.

epicstruggle said:
london-boy said:
epicstruggle said:
Developing a video game and releasing it free of charge is a great way to reach a mass audience and ontop of it, its dirt cheap (comparitevily speaking).

Huh? Whoever said anything about free games?
americas army. arg, i cut silence quote from your post which i quoted. might have made more sense if i had left it in.

uhhhh have you guys ever seen recruiters go to a junior high school and try to convince 7th and 8th graders to join? Yeah, and then all through high school they will be pestering you. Especially when you are in your last 2 years, they will call your home constantly (they get your info from the schools) to try and get you to just come to the recruiting office. they will make up anything to just try and get you into their office.

THEN, they sign you up into DEP (delayed enlistment program) which means you'll go into the military after you've graduated high school. Now, the thing is- being in DEP does not bind you to service. You are not bound to service until you have completed basic training and been sworn in by an officer. However, the recruiters will TELL you, after you have signed up for DEP, that you are legally bound by it. They even have mock swearing-in ceremonies to reinforce that lie (the poor kids actually believe that they have been really sworn in and are already members of the military). Of course, let's not forget how they will lie and say anything to get you to join. They will even sign contracts guaranteeing you xyz job and, yet, when you get in you don't get that job and there is NOTHING you can do about it.

and NEVER forget !!!!!!
What do you expect? I always thought it was scary how military and computer game adverts were converging.
And what's up with this America's Army? Was that developed by the army?
The549 said:
And what's up with this America's Army? Was that developed by the army?

yes, and its the STUPIDEST game in the world. You can't play the enemy, no matter which side you join you are a US soldier and the other side is the enemy. I hate it, it's so dumb, doesn't make any sense at all.
Sage said:
The549 said:
And what's up with this America's Army? Was that developed by the army?

yes, and its the STUPIDEST game in the world. You can't play the enemy, no matter which side you join you are a US soldier and the other side is the enemy. I hate it, it's so dumb, doesn't make any sense at all.

I'm suprised that no-one has done an Abu Ghraib add-on pack.
silence said:
and yes...its disgusting.....putting that in something aimed at childern.

Well in regards to God of War (which I've never heard of before this thread), I did a quick search on it, and I found a gamespy article...

To say that God of War is graphic is like saying that Super Mario 64 has jumping. God of War doesn't just let you kill enemies, it exults in showing you the gory details. But while the violence is over the top....

Now that certainly doesn't sound like a game that is aimed at children. And if that little description is true, it will probably have one of the highest ESRB ratings possible, so it is certainly not meant for kids. Of course that won't stop the fact that there will be plenty of kids playing it.