Getting rid of MS-DOS compatibility mode in Win98SE


It slows my pc down enormously.
One day I spent EIGHT straight hours trying to go back to 32-bit performance, but I still didn't find it.

The Help says it's due to A driver or program. I got about maybe 100 programs installed ... It also says it displays the name of the offending driver/program, which is a flat-out lie : it displays none of that kind.

Removed a lot of programs I don't use often : still the same.
In device Manager, I got some drivers with errors on them though : I got 2 SCSI-controllers, the defective one being "Win98-ME Promise SATA3778 IDE Controller".
Since I don't have SCSI HD's, can't I remove both these drivers?

Don't know where to look anymore. A NAV-scan lasts double the amount of time it did when my pc was still alright.

Does anyone have an idea how to blow this MS-DOS comp mode to Hell?

Add-on IDE cards and drives connected to it are handled the same way as SCSI cards and drives are.

In your case, the IDE controller driver for that Promise SATA controller seems to be broken.

Try to fix it by removing only this device from the devicemanager, then reboot and windows should detect the IDE adapter and properly re-install its driver.

btw. this MS-DOS compatibility mode only means that all your drives (HD, CDR, DVD..) run in the old and slow PIO mode and are not using modern (U)DMA transfer modes.
nobody said:
Add-on IDE cards and drives connected to it are handled the same way as SCSI cards and drives are.
In your case, the IDE controller driver for that Promise SATA controller seems to be broken.
Try to fix it by removing only this device from the devicemanager, then reboot and windows should detect the IDE adapter and properly re-install its driver.

Thanks, I'll try it later on and let you know the results.
I think you are waging a lost cause, as from what I recall about Win9x its DOS mode is certainly not the only 16-bit component in the OS. IIRC, Win9x itself, outside of the DOS mode, is a mixture, a hybrid 16/32-bit OS, and I think the only way to rid yourself of 16-bit OS code and retain 99% of your software compatability would be to go to WinXP--which would be my advice. Personally speaking, I like XP a lot better.

You misunderstood the topic of this thread here i think.

Ghekkoflo doesn't want to get rid of the 16Bit windows components, that's impossible. He has problems with his (IDE) drives running only in DOS compatibility mode instead of 32Bit windows mode. And that can be fixed, it's only a driver problem.
nobody said:

You misunderstood the topic of this thread here i think.

Ghekkoflo doesn't want to get rid of the 16Bit windows components, that's impossible. He has problems with his (IDE) drives running only in DOS compatibility mode instead of 32Bit windows mode. And that can be fixed, it's only a driver problem.

OK, fair enough...;) Thanks for the correction.
nobody said:
Try to fix it by removing only this device from the devicemanager, then reboot and windows should detect the IDE adapter and properly re-install its driver.

Yes and YES!!!
It's working now.
I just updated the driver, it asked for the one on the floppy, but I took the last one I downloaded.

Thanks a lot mate!

WaltC said:
Personally speaking, I like XP a lot better.
Win98SE doesn't get attacked by hackers (that much) anymore. ;)
And XP SP2 is a disaster.
Ghekkoflo said:
nobody said:
Try to fix it by removing only this device from the devicemanager, then reboot and windows should detect the IDE adapter and properly re-install its driver.

Yes and YES!!!
It's working now.
I just updated the driver, it asked for the one on the floppy, but I took the last one I downloaded.

Thanks a lot mate!

That´s the way to get it working.:)
Nothing to thank here, i help whereever i can.